
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Cloud Service Applications

4.4.3 Definition items of service linkage jobs

There are following two types of definition items of service linkage jobs.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Items to be defined on the Custom job unit definition screen

The following table shows the items to be defined on the Custom job unit definition screen.

Table 4‒1: Custom job unit definition items

Definition items


Unit name








Standard output


Standard error


End judgment (Rule)


End judgment (Warning)

Define the value according to the return code of the service linkage job.

End judgment (Abnormal)

Define the value according to the return code of the service linkage job.

Retry on abnormal end


Return code (Less than or equal to)


Return code (Greater than or equal to)


Maximum retry times


Retry interval


User name






Set timeout period

Specify this item according to the details of service linkage job.

Timeout period

Specify this item according to the details of service linkage job.

Delayed end


Time assumed as delay




JP1 resource group


Executed by



--: Same as those set for the existing job definition

(2) Items to be defined on the Custom job details definition screen

The following table shows the items to be defined on the Custom job details definition screen.

Table 4‒2: Custom job details definition items

Definition items


Whether to specify macro variables

Authentication definition name

Specify the name of service linkage authentication information to be applied.


Variable definition items



Y: Macro variables can be specified.

The result of passing on of macro variables can be checked with JP1/AJS3 - View or the ajsshow command.