
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Cloud Service Applications

4.3.3 Notes on the definitions of service linkage job information

Organization of this subsection

(1) About definitions used for job execution

The service-linkage job definitions and authentication definitions defined in JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications are used by JP1/AJS3 as service linkage jobs in JP1/AJS3. Therefore, job execution of JP1/AJS3 may be affected if the definition of service linkage is updated or deleted.

Whether or not the job execution of JP1/AJS3 is affected is displayed on the Web screen of JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications as follows.

Note that the period of time when such dialog or message is displayed depends on the value specified for USED_DEF_LIMIT in the environment setting file. For details on the environment setting file, see 3.4.1 Details of setting items of the environment setting file (ajs3csaweb.conf).

In addition, when creating new service-linkage job definitions or authentication definitions, if you perform registration by using a definition name that has previously been executed, even if the job has not executed even once, the aforementioned display processing is performed.

To check the details of a user's job in JP1/AJS3, use one of the following methods:

(2) About definitions used in the service linkage job definitions

For service linkage job definitions, the connection definition and execution definition are specified to execute a job as the service linkage job. Therefore, job execution of JP1/AJS3 may be affected if the connection definition and execution definition are updated or deleted.

Whether or not the service linkage job definitions are affected is shown on the Web screen of JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications as follows.

(3) About handling of authentication information

Information that is registered with Protect specified in the authentication definitions is stored in the database file (AJSCSA.db) and backup file (AJSCSA.db.back) in the data directory in a non-plain-text, protected state.

No authentication information is output to a log file, nor the standard output or standard error output of a job.

Consider the notes below while taking into account the operations above when building an environment and designing security measures.

(4) Other notes