
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Cloud Service Applications

3.6.1 Details of database files

JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications uses the following database files.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Database file storage location

In Windows, if the destination folder is under the default or system-protected folder:


The default value of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

Folders protected by the system use the path to one of the following folders:

  • Folder in system-drive\Windows

  • Folder in system-drive\Program Files

  • Folder in system-drive\Program Files (x86)

In Windows, if the destination folder is other than the above:


When using cluster operation on Windows:


In Linux:


When using cluster operation on Linux:


(2) Tables in the database

Item number

Table name

Table contents



Definition table



Execution history table

(3) Database file permissions

In Windows:

"Full Control" in "Administrators"

(Inheritance is disabled, no other users and groups are allowed.)

In Linux:

Permissions: 600 (-rw-------)

Owner: root

Group: root

(4) Temporary file storage location

In Windows, if the installation folder is under the default or system-protected folder:


The default value of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

Folders protected by the system use the path to one of the following folders:

  • Folder in system-drive\Windows

  • Folder in system-drive\Program Files

  • Folder in system-drive\Program Files (x86)

In Windows, if the installation folder is other than the above:


In Linux:


(5) Maintaining database files

The database files used at JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications are automatically maintained each time they are registered, edited, or deleted on the Web screen of JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications.

Database files are maintained in the following order.

  1. Maintain execution history tables.

    The execution history tables are maintained (records that have exceeded their retention period are deleted) when database files are automatically backed up.

  2. Release invalid space in the entire database files.

  3. Back up the entire database files.

While the database files are maintained, the following message log is output to the application server log.

If maintenance is successful
  • KNBB3801-I

  • KNBB3803-I

  • KNBB3805-I

If an error occurs during maintenance
  • KNBB3802-W

  • KNBB3804-W

  • KNBB3806-W


    Even if maintenance fails, the Web screen does not indicate it. The failure record is kept only in the application server log.

    If an error occurs while the execution history tables are maintained or invalid space in the entire database files is released, no further maintenance is conducted.

(6) Backing up database files automatically

The database files used by JP1/AJS3 for Cloud Service Applications are backed up automatically. The storage location for database file backups is shown below.

In Windows, if the installation folder is under the default or system-protected folder:


The default value of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

Folders protected by the system use the path to one of the following folders:

  • Folder in system-drive\Windows

  • Folder in system-drive\Program Files

  • Folder in system-drive\Program Files (x86)

In Windows, if the installation folder is other than the above:


When using cluster operation on Windows:


In Linux:


When using cluster operation on Linux:
