
JP1 Version 13 for UNIX Systems JP1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide

4.3.1 Example of registering transmission information

This example registers transmission information in the New York headquarters.

To register transmission information:

  1. In the tree window, double-click New York

  2. Under New York, select Transmission Registration, and then click [Figure].

    The transmission information that has been registered in the New York headquarters is displayed in the list window.

  3. In the list window, click [Figure].

    A dialog box for registering transmission information is displayed. If transmission information is selected in the list window, the selected transmission information is displayed. You can also register new information by using the displayed information as a model.

    Figure 4‒7: Dialog box for registering transmission information


  4. Enter the transmission information and then click Register.

    For details about the information to be registered, see 3.4 Registering transmission information.

    You can register multiple sets of transmission information one after another until you click Close.

  5. Click Close.

Changing and deleting transmission information

You can change and delete transmission information in the same manner.

Changing: Specify the desired transmission information and then click [Figure].

Deleting: Specify the desired transmission information and then click [Figure].