
JP1 Version 13 for UNIX Systems JP1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide

3.17.1 Definition method

To define the information to be displayed in the FTP connection response message:

  1. In the ftsutil command, specify FTP connection response message control in CHECK.


  2. In the FTP connection response message file (ftsbanner), specify a character string for the FTP connection response message.

    To specify a desired character string for the FTP connection response message, use a text editor to specify the character string in the FTP connection response message file (ftsbanner) according to the following definition method:


  • The FTP connection response message file consists of one or more lines.

  • The maximum length of one line is 256 bytes. Any characters in excess of this limit are ignored.

  • The maximum file size is 512 bytes. If the file size exceeds 512 bytes, the file is ignored.

  • A line consisting of only a linefeed is valid.

  • No comment can be defined.

  • If the file size is 0 bytes, the file is ignored.

  • Some restrictions might apply to the response message format depending on the FTP client that is connected. For this reason, you must specify a response message in the FTP connection response message file in a format that will be recognized by the target FTP client.

  • The attributes of the FTP connection response message file are shown below.

    Table 3‒25: Attributes of the FTP connection response message file (ftsbanner)

    Item name


    File name


    Directory name




    Access permission

    Owner: r