
JP1 Version 13 for UNIX Systems JP1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide

3.15.1 How to specify

You use a text editor to define each function in the definition file (ftshostenv.conf) according to the definition method described below.


Specify one definition per line in this definition file. A maximum of a 2,048 bytes of characters can be specified per line. Use the space or tab as the delimiter between a definition name and the colon (:), and as the delimiter between the colon (:) and a value. A definition name can be preceded by spaces or tabs. Any characters following a hash mark (#) through a linefeed are treated as a comment.

Table 3‒19: Definition names and values that can be specified in the definition file (ftshostenv.conf)

Definition name



specify client localhost

Enables specification of the FTP client's local IP address.

[YES|NO] <<NO>>

response hostname reverse lookup

Sets the FTP server host name in a response message sent by the FTP server to the address that accepted the connection.



jp1event host

Specifies the destination of JP1 events. When you specify an IP address, you can specify an IPv4 or IPv6 address.



jp1event trans is same

Specifies whether to send JP1 events indicating the termination of file transmission to the destination specified by jp1event host.


The attributes of this definition file are shown below.

Table 3‒20: Attributes of the definition file (ftshostenv.conf)

Item name


File name


Directory name




Access permission

Owner: r

The following figure shows an example of this definition file:


A sample definition file is stored in the following directory: