
JP1 Version 13 for UNIX Systems JP1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide

3.1.1 Defining an environment for JP1/FTP

The default values are set during installation. We recommend that you change these values only if necessary.

The following table lists and describes each item in the environment definition.

Table 3‒1: Items in the environment definition



No. of file transmissions to log

((0 to 1,000,000))


Specifies the number of log entries to retain. One file transmission is counted as one entry. When the number of files transmitted exceeds the number of entries being retained, the oldest information is overwritten.

Because the size of one entry is 1,500 bytes, the required file size equals number of retained entries x 1,500 bytes. (In Linux (IPF version), the size of one entry is 1,536 bytes, so the required file size equals number of retained entries x 1,536 bytes.)

Increasing the number of log entries to be retained:

If you increase the number of log entries to be retained, it might take longer to display logs, depending on the CPU and hardware performance as well as on the amount of memory that is installed. If you want to retain log information over a long period of time, we recommend that you copy the following log information file and then store the copy.

Log information file:
  • /var/opt/jp1_fts/sys/history

Size of protocol trace file

((4 to 10,000 KB))

<<50 KB>>

Specifies the size of the file to be used to collect FTP protocol trace information. The protocol trace file enables you to check command operation at the FTP level. When the amount of trace information exceeds the specified size, the oldest information is overwritten.

The required disk capacity equals specified size x maximum number of concurrent transmissions x 2.

You can use a text editor to view the trace file.

Size of module trace file

((4 to 10,000 KB))

<<50 KB>>

Specifies the size of the file to be used to collect module trace information. A module trace is collected as maintenance information. When the amount of trace information exceeds the specified size, the oldest information is overwritten.

The required disk capacity equals specified size x maximum number of concurrent transmissions x 2 + specified size x 10.

The module trace file cannot be viewed.

Size of access log file

((0 to 100 MB))

<<0 MB>>

Specify the size of the file to use for storing access logs. When the access log information exceeds the specified size, the old information is backed up and a new file is created. If the file for the backup already exists, that file is overwritten. For details about the access logs, see 3.16 Collecting access logs. You can use a text editor to view the access logs.

No. of retries (When connecting to a host)

Retry interval (When connecting to a host)

Specifies the number of and interval for retries when connection for file transmission cannot be established (for a reason such as busy status). Retries are attempted at a server whenever a connect system call results in an error, and at a client when a connect system call results in one of the following errors:


  1. No. of retries (When connecting to a host) ((0 to 100,000)) <<5>>

    If you specify 0, no retries will be attempted.

  2. Retry interval (When connecting to a host) ((0 to 86,400 seconds)) <<2 seconds>>

    If you specify 0, retries are attempted immediately (without any interval between retry attempts).

Time-limit waiting to send data

((1 to 3,600 seconds))

<<60 seconds>>

Specifies the amount of time to wait for the sending buffer to become available after a package has been sent during data transmission. If the buffer is still not available when the specified amount of time elapses, the transmission terminates abnormally.

Time-limit waiting to receive data

((1 to 3,600 seconds))

<<60 seconds>>

Specifies the amount of time to wait for a packet to be received during data reception (a packet is transmitted by a remote target). If no data is received after the specified amount of time has elapsed, the transmission terminates abnormally.


  • Size of sending buffer/Size of receiving buffer ((512 to 262,144 bytes)) <<40,960 bytes>>

    Specifies the size of the socket buffer for sending and receiving (SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF). Note that various factors affect transmission efficiency, such as the line speed, usage status, and CPU performance. Specify values as appropriate for the system being used.

  • Time-limit for idle connection ((30 to 7,200 seconds)) <<900 seconds>>

    If there is no request from the client for a specific period of time, the server releases the connection with the client. This item specifies the amount of time before the connection is to be released.

  • File creation mask ((octal number from 000 to 777)) <<027>>

    Specifies the file mode creation mask for a receive file. This setting is used when a new file is created. If a file with the same name already exists, its file mode remains unchanged.


    To create a file with user=rw, group=rw, and other=r: 113

    To create a file with user=r, group=r, and other=r: 333

    For details about the mode, see the documentation that explains the umask and chmod commands. Note that a file with execution permission (x) cannot be created.

Link with JP1/IM

Specifies that JP1 events are to be issued. If this item is specified, JP1 events will be issued when the service status changes and when transmission ends. During transmission as a superuser, events are issued with superuser permissions. During transmission as an ordinary user, events are issued as ordinary user permissions. If you link to JP1/IM, you can monitor the status on JP1/IM. For details about linkage with JP1/IM, see 5.2 Linking to JP1/IM. By default, this item is not specified.

Output transmission result to system log

Specifies that the result of file transmission (normal, error, warning) is to be output to the system log. If this item is specified, messages with the following message IDs are output:

  • KDJF2001-I

  • KDJF2002-E

  • KDJF2003-W

  • KDJF3001-I

  • KDJF3002-E

  • KDJF3003-W

Messages with all other message IDs are always output to the system log, regardless of this specification.

By default, this item is not specified.

Maximum number of concurrent transmissions

((64 to 128))


Specify the permitted maximum number of concurrent transmissions. This is the same as the permitted maximum number of concurrent FTP connections (control). Any transmission requests in excess of this value will be rejected.

For details about the maximum number of concurrent transmissions, see 3.12 Changing the maximum number of concurrent transmissions.

FTP connection response message control

Specifies that the format of FTP connection response messages is to be changed from the default. For details about FTP connection response messages, see 3.17 FTP connection response message control function.

By default, this item is not specified.

Note about the values for "No. of file transmissions to log", "Size of protocol trace file", and "Size of module trace file"

If you specify a value that is smaller than the current setting, the corresponding information files will be deleted when the service is restarted. This means that information in these files before the restart will be deleted. The log information file is backed up to the following file:

  • /var/opt/jp1_fts/sys/history.old

The following figure shows an example of a command for changing definitions:


This command changes the following information:

The new settings take effect when the JP1/FTP daemon is restarted.

For details about the ftsutil command, see ftsutil - changes and displays environment information in 6. Commands.