
JP1 Version 13 for Windows Systems JP1/File Transmission Server/FTP Description, Reference and Operator's Guide

4.2.5 Log Information window

The figure below shows an example of a window that displays from the Operations-Manager Console another host's log information. This subsection describes the functions that can be used in the Log Information window.

Figure 4‒7: Log Information window


  1. Click [Figure], or right-click in the tree window: Opens host information.

  2. Click [Figure], or right-click in the list window: Displays all log information.

  3. Click [Figure], or right-click in the list window: Displays specific log information.

  4. Click [Figure], or right-click in the list window: Displays protocol trace.

  5. Click [Figure], or right-click in the list window: Refreshes information.

  6. Right-click in the tree window: Outputs log information as text.

  • If there are multiple logs with the same time, the order in which the information is displayed in the Operations-Manager Console's Log Information window might be different from the display order in the stand-alone Log Information window.

  • The Log Information window displays all trace information, even if there is a trace of a transmission. This differs from when a protocol trace is displayed from the Windows Start menu by choosing Programs, JP1_File Transmission Server_FTP, and then Log Information.

  • Operations-Manager Agent versions earlier than 10-00 do not support a transmission size of 4 gigabytes or greater. Consequently, if the Operations-Manager Console is connected to an Operations-Manager Agent earlier than version 10-00, and if an attempt is made to reference a transmission log whose transmission size is 4 gigabytes or greater, the displayed value will be smaller than the actual transmission size.