
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Messages


This manual describes the messages provided by Client Process Automation (hereinafter abbreviated as CPA) and Client Process Automation Option for Automatic Job Management System 3 (hereinafter abbreviated as CPA Option for AJS3), their format, and how to respond to each message.

Organization of this preface

■ Organization of this manual

This manual consists of the following chapters.

1. Massage

Chapter 2 describes the messages output by CPA and CPA Option for AJS3.

A. Logging

This appendix describes log files of CPA and CPA Option for AJS3.

B. Version Revisions

This appendix explains the version revisions.

C Reference Manual for This Manual

This appendix provides reference material for this manual, including a list of related manuals and a description of the conventions used by the writer.