
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide

Command notation conventions

The following table lists notation conventions to describe commands and parameters.

Table 9‒1: Notation conventions to describe commands and parameters


Explanation and example



Separates multiple items, any of which can be selected.


A|B|C means A or B or C.

{ }

(curly braces)

Indicates that one of the items enclosed in the curly braces must be selected. The items are separated by the stroke (|)


{A|B|C} means that either A or B or C must be specified.

[ ]

(square brackets)

Indicates optional items (items whose specification may be omitted).


[A] means that A may be specified if needed (A may be omitted if not required).

[B|C] means that B or C may be specified as needed or that B and C may both be omitted.



The item preceding the ellipsis can be specified as many times as needed. When an item is specified multiple times, the blank is used as the delimiter.


A B... means that B may be specified as many times as necessary following A.



Indicates the default value that is assumed by the system if all of the items surrounded by square brackets are omitted.


[A|B] means that the system will use A if neither A nor B is specified.

(( ))

(double parentheses)

Indicates the range of specifiable values.