
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide

6.3.2 Calendar dialog box

You can display the Calendar dialog box by selecting the Calendar tab.

You can use the Calendar dialog box to set certain days of the week or certain dates as open days or closed days as well as define the operation time period during which to execute a job.

The following figure shows the Calendar dialog box.

Figure 6‒10: Calendar dialog box (Set closed days tab)


Figure 6‒11:  Calendar dialog box (Set ope. time period tab)


The following items are displayed:

[Figure]Help button

This button displays the Help window.

[Figure]Basic information area

This area allows you to enter the item name and specify an explanation of the item.

For details on the displayed items and the restrictions on the strings you can specify in this area, see Basic information area in 6.3.1 Action flow dialog box.

[Figure]Set closed days area

This area allows you to set open days and closed days for the calendar you are creating. If you select the Set closed days tab, an operational calendar appears.

By selecting a day of the week displayed on top of the calendar, you can set whether that day of the week is usually an open day or a closed day. By selecting a date in the calendar, you can designate the selected date as the open day or closed day.

[Figure]Set ope. time period area

This area allows you to set a time period during which to execute the job. If you select the Set ope. time period tab, the date and time of the operation time period show up.

By specifying the start time and end time of the displayed operation time period, you can set the time period during which to execute the job.

[Figure]Save as file button

This button saves the file containing the created calendar definition.

[Figure]Register button

Registers calendar.

[Figure]Cancel button

This button closes the window without registering the edited definition.