
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide

5.4.2 Item execution condition

When you edit an action flow from the Item Design View, you can specify an item execution condition for a unit.

Specify a condition that consists of a statement to the effect that the return value of the preceding unit is either equal to or not equal to the specified value. The item specified in the unit is executed when the condition is satisfied, and skipped when the condition is not satisfied. If the specified preceding unit does not exist, has not ended yet, was forcibly terminated, or ended when the timeout period was reached, the conditions are considered not to be met. When the execution of the item specified in the unit is skipped, the state of that unit would be Ended normally (unexec).

Organization of this subsection

(1) Inherited information

When an action is executed, information about the execution is stored. This information is called inherited information. The inherited information can be referred to using the methods described in Table 5-5 List of inherited information of actions.

When you want to refer to the results of the unit in an action flow, specify the user-defined unit name in a method.


When you refer to a standard output message output by command execution in the action flow:

Table 5‒5: List of inherited information of actions






Command execution


Returns a message output to the standard output.#



Returns a message output to the standard error output.#



Returns the name of the file that stores the output of messages to the standard output.



Returns the name of the file that stores the output of messages to the standard error output.



Returns the return code of the command when the monitoring condition was met.


The output from the GetStdOut or GstStdErr method includes line breaks, such as \n, CR+LF, and LF.

Thus, if you specify the GetStdOut or GetStdErr method as a parameter of an action item, the command line stops at the linefeed. If you are using Windows and want to output messages without linefeeds, we recommend using the cpaecho command. For details on the cpaecho command, see cpaecho in 9. Commands. If output cannot be inherited correctly, make sure that no linefeed is included in the command output.