
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide

5.3.1 Basic settings for action items

Organization of this subsection

(1) Command

Specify the file name of the command to execute. The file name can be specified as a relative path if it is on the PATH environment variable of the user who starts the job execution service. If it cannot be resolved by the PATH environment variable, specify it with an absolute path.

If specifying a file whose extension is other than .exe or .bat, you need to associate the file extension with an appropriate application.# 1

To execute a command prompt (cmd.exe) command, specify cmd.exe for the execution command, and /c command parameter for the parameter. For details, see the specifications of cmd.exe.# 2


Use the following procedure to associate the file extension with an application.

  1. Register the application to associate with using the ftype command.

  2. Associate the extension with the application registered in step 1 using the assoc command.

  3. Restart the OS.

For details on the settings of the ftype and assoc commands, see Windows Help.


Only a local file name can be specified as the name of the execution command file.

(2) Parameter

Specify the parameter you want to specify for the command to be executed. You can also proceed to specify an inherited information variable, a profile variable, and an input item variable. For details on input item variables, see 5.7 Creating an input item.

(3) Execution type

As the execution environment for the command that you have specified for an action, select either Do not show the window or Show the window.

The command inside an action is executed in the execution environment described in the following table.

Table 5‒1:  Command execution environment





User account

  • If you select Do not show the window as the execution type:

    The account that started the job execution service

    (By default, the local system account)

  • If you select Show the window as the execution type:

    Windows user logged on to the session

  • If you specify a virtual user name:

    Windows user associated with the virtual user name


Environment variables

  • CPADATAPATH=data-path

  • CPAINSTALLPATH=install-path

  • CPAJDS=job-name

  • CPAJCS=job-execution-ID

  • Environment variables of the user who starts the job execution service

  • If you specify a virtual user name:

    Environment variable for the Windows user associated with the virtual user name

Do not use the environment variables starting with CPA, such as CPAxxxx (xxxx is any string), regardless of uppercase or lowercase letters. This is because such variables are reserved by the system.


Current path

Work folder (data-path\work)


Priority class of a process



User profile

If you specify a virtual user name:

User profile of the Windows user associated with the virtual user name

The behavior of the command varies depending on whether it is defined inside an action and executed from CPA or it is executed in the command prompt. For details on the different behaviors of commands, see A.3 Different behaviors in different command execution environments.

(4) Wait for end

Select Wait for the window showing process to terminate or Does not wait for the window showing process to terminate to indicate whether to wait for the executed command to end.

(5) Exclusive option

To prevent all the specified commands from being simultaneously executed (to ensure that one command is executed at a time), select the Do not execute concurrently among selected actions check box.

Select this check box when there is a window-display command that can cause a problem when executed concurrently with other commands.

(6) Operation when terminates

As the method of determining the state of the action after the execution of the command, select Abnormal end if the return code is other than 0, Warning end if the return code is other than 0, or Always normal end.

Based on the return value of the executed command, define the state of the action and regulate the execution of the subsequent unit in the action flow. For details on action flows, see 5.4 Creating an action flow item.

The following table describes the behavior following the termination of the command.

Table 5‒2:  Operation when terminates





Abnormal end if the return code is other than 0

Ended normally when the return value is 0, or Ended abnormally when the return value is other than 0.


Warning end if the return code is other than 0

Ended normally when the return value is 0, or Ended with warning when the return value is other than 0.


Always normal end

Ended normally regardless of the return value.