
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide

5.2 Common settings for items

This section describes the common settings for items.

Item name

The name of the item you are creating. The item name you specify here will show up in the Select item area in both the Job Design View and the Item Design View, and will be displayed as the label of the tab in the Home window that shows information regarding the definition of the item.

Specify a name that clearly conveys what the item does while it is in use.


Specify the details of the item you are creating.

The details you specify here will be displayed in the list of items in the Home window or when the item is selected in the Job Design View.

Specify details that clearly convey what the item does as well as what to specify for the item.

Set icon

This setting is available only when you create an action or an action flow item.

Specify the file name of the icon to be displayed in the Select item area of both the Job Design View and the Item Design View or in the flow map of the action flow definition window. If you do not specify this setting, it is assumed that the default icon provided by CPA is set.

As a file name, you have to specify either the relative path to the icon file in the current folder data-folder\work or the absolute path to the icon file.

Apply this item to the item list in the Job Define View

This setting is available only when you create an action or an action flow item.

You can specify whether to display the item in the Select item area of the Job Design View.

When the item you are creating is to be used only by item designers (for example, when it is used only in action flows created from the Item Design View), clear this check box. Note that, even when you clear this check box, you can still execute the action flows or jobs that use this item.