
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide

2.6 Language setting

CPA supports Japanese and English. Configure your operating system to use the same language as CPA.

However, you can change the display language for the view to Japanese, English, or Simplified Chinese by editing the language setting in the Job Design View or Item Design View. Once you change this language setting, the set language setting is always applied to the Job Design View or Item Design View even when you change the language for the OS.

With the above in mind, set the same language as the OS language setting for the Job Design View or Item Design View.

Migration procedure to be used when you change the OS language setting

If you change the OS language setting, information such as logs output afterwards will be in the newly set language. For this reason, you have to follow the following migration procedure when changing the OS language setting:

  1. Save files in the view, and execute the cpasetprof command to back up job definitions, item definitions, and profile information.

  2. After uninstalling CPA in accordance with 2.4 Uninstallation, change the OS language setting, and then install CPA again by following the steps described in 2.2 Installation.

  3. In a newly set language environment, use the definitions you backed up in step 1 to re-create job definitions, item definitions, and profile information, and then register them again.

    If you are using the same language type with different character encoding, use the character encoding conversion function provided by the OS to change the character encoding of backed-up definitions.

  • When you start the Job Design View or Item Design View, the OS language setting is applied to the displayed window. For this reason, we recommend that the OS language setting be used in the Job Design View or Item Design View.

    Note that if the OS does not have the language you try to select in the language setting of the Job Design View or Item Design View, the system does not work properly.

  • When you share a job definition file across multiple language setting environments or when you manage jobs from AJS3 by using CPA Option for AJS3, all definitions must be in English (ASCII code).

  • When Japanese is set as the OS language, logs are output in Japanese. If a language other than Japanese is set as the OS language, logs are output in English.

  • When you start the window used to specify detailed definitions for the custom jobs provided by CPA Option for AJS3, the OS language setting is applied to the displayed window. If, however, a language other than Japanese or Simplified Chinese is set as the OS language, information on the window is displayed in English.