
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide

2.3.3 Configurations for the AJS3 linkage function

The message communication service is required for using the AJS3 linkage function.

To use the AJS3 linkage function, you need to configure and start the message communication service on both the host running CPA and the host running CPA Option for AJS3.

For details on how to configure the message communication service on CPA Option for AJS3, see 3.3.1 Configurations of the message communication service.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Changing the port number of the message communication service

Installing CPA causes the services file to have a definition on the port number to be used by the message communication service. The port number must correspond with the port number that is defined for cpamsgsrv on the connected CPA Option for AJS3 host. For details on the port number, see 2.5 Port number.

To change the default port number, edit the services file.

To change the default service name for the port number, edit the message communication service definition file. For details on the message communication service definition file (iescconf.xml), see E.2 Message communication service definition file.

Definition to be included in the services file
cpamsgsrv  22260/tcp      # JP1 Client Process Automation
  • The message communication service fails to start with the error KNAO0950-E when the port number is not defined in the services file.

  • Ensure that the CPA Option for AJS3 host is also configured to have the services file defining the same port number.

(2) Starting the service

You do not need to start the service manually because the installer ensures that the service starts automatically. However, you need to start the service manually if you change the startup type from Automatic to a different one after the installation process. To start the service:

  1. Open Control Panel and select Services, or select Administrative Tools and then Services.

  2. Select the JP1/CPA Message service.

  3. Click the Start button.

(3) Configuring communication with CPA Option for AJS3

(a) Host name resolution

To communicate with CPA Option for AJS3, ensure that CPA hosts can resolve the name of the host running CPA Option for AJS3. A way to do this is to use the hosts file to resolve the host name to the IP address.

(b) Configuring the firewall and other protections to allow traffic

To communicate with CPA Option for AJS3, ensure that the CPA hosts and the devices on network routes to CPA Option for AJS3 are configured with security protections to allow inbound and outbound traffic on the specified port number. The port number is defined as described in 2.3.3 (1) Changing the port number of the message communication service.

For Windows Firewall, you can use the Enable firewall settings command provided in the Start menu or the cpasetfirewall command to configure the settings.

Note that the CPA uninstaller does not revert the settings. If you no longer use CPA, you need to revert the settings by using the Disable firewall settings command provided in the Start menu or the cpasetfirewall command before uninstalling CPA.

Remember that the Enable firewall settings and Disable firewall settings commands require administrator privileges. You must run the commands as an administrator.


Ensure that the time zone is synchronized between the host on which CPA is installed and the one on which CPA Option for AJS3 is installed.