
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Client Process Automation Configuration and Administration Guide

1.1.4 State management for jobs and actions

The following table describes states of jobs and actions.

Table 1‒1: List of states








Wait for start time (WAIT)

Waiting to start, such as waiting for the execution timing (the scheduled execution time) or waiting until the service starts

Applicable only for the job executed on time


Monitoring for event (MONITORING)

Waiting for event occurrence (execution condition)

Applicable only for the job executed on event


Overflowing events (MONITORING)

A status where no event can be accepted after the event queue overflows (Specifically, an event is detected when there are 16 jobs with the status of Wait for start.)

Applicable only for the job executed on event

The resumption of monitoring cannot be initiated until all the events in the queue that are either waiting to start or currently running end.


Wait for start (QUEUEING)

Waiting to start

Applicable only for the job executed on event


Executing (RUN)

Started after all the start conditions are met, and not ended yet



Ended normally (ENDN)

All of action flows, actions, and event monitors normally ended



Ended with warning (ENDW)

One of the actions ended with a warning, and all the other action flows, actions, and event monitors ended.



Terminating event monitoring (ENDE)

Event monitoring is stopped by stopping the service or executing cpajobstop -e during a state of monitoring for event or events in overflow.

Applicable only for the job executed on event


Ended abnormally (ENDE)

One of action flows, actions, or event monitors ended abnormally, which caused all the other action flows, actions, and event monitors to end.



Ended abnormally (Cancel) (ENDE)

The job was ended (suspended) after cpajobstop -c was executed to terminate all the actions that were running.



Ended abnormally (Cancel) (ENDK)

The job was killed. The job is killed if it is forced to terminate by a command or the service stops during execution.



Action, event monitor, or action flow

Wait for start (WAIT)

Waiting to start, such as waiting for an execution timing (scheduled execution time or event occurrence), and waiting until the service starts or starting conditions (preceding conditions) are met.



Executing (RUN)

Not ended yet after all starting conditions (preceding conditions) are met.



Ended normally (ENDN)

An action, event monitor, or action flow ended normally. For actions, the return value of the execution command is determined; a return value of 0 means a normal end.



Ended normally (unexec) (ENDNS)

The conditions for executing an item, defined in the action flow, were not met and the item ended unexecuted.



Ended with warning (ENDW)

An action or action flow ended with a warning. This is not normal, but the action or action flow can be continued. When Warning end if the return code is other than 0 is specified for Operations when terminates of a custom action item, and a value other than 0 is returned by the command, the action in question ends with a warning.



Ended abnormally (ENDE)

An action, event monitor, or action flow ended abnormally. In the case of an action, this state is determined based on the value returned by the execution command. Specifically, when Abnormal end if the return code is other than 0 is specified for Operations when terminates of either a standard item or a custom item, and a value other than 0 is returned by the command, the action in question ends abnormally.



Ended abnormally (Cancel) (ENDK)

The job was killed. The job is killed if it is forced to terminate by a command or the service stops during execution.



Condition not satisfied (UNMATCHED)

An action flow defines branching with ending with a warning or ending normally, and one unit was not executed due to the branching.



-- : Not applicable