
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

2.3.6 Steps to be completed before using the job control commands

The following describes the procedures that must be completed when you want to use the -d option of a command or you want to set the command common argument defaults. The procedures are not necessary if the -d option will not be used or command common argument defaults will not be set.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Making sure that the -d option for SAP destination information is usable

When using the -d option for the SAP destination information on the command line of JP1/AJS3 for EAP, the sapnwrfc.ini file must be created.


The sapnwrfc.ini file is a definition file provided by SAP NetWeaver RFC Library and a successor of the saprfc.ini file for versions 10 and earlier. For details about the specification changes and the migration method for the saprfc.ini and sapnwrfc.ini files, see 2.6.1 Notes on version upgrading.

Either of the following sapnwrfc.ini files (or both) will be used depending on the operation method.

A sapnwrfc.ini file search occurs in the following sequence:

The sapnwrfc.ini file is usually created in the JP1/AJS3 for EAP work directory that is defined in the environment setup file. To set up the sapnwrfc.ini file for a specific user, create the sapnwrfc.ini file in the desired directory and specify the path for the sapnwrfc.ini file in environment variable RFC_INI.

After JP1/AJS3 for EAP is installed, a sample sapnwrfc.ini file is stored in the following directory:

Copy the sample sapnwrfc.ini file to the JP1/AJS3 for EAP working directory (or the directory specified by the environment variable RFC_INI) and edit the copy sample sapnwrfc.ini file as required. Non-ASCII characters are not allowed in the sapnwrfc.ini file. If you intend to use environment variable RFC_INI, specify it in advance.

Use the full path for the sapnwrfc.ini file to be specified in environment variable RFC_INI.

The following figure shows an example of the sapnwrfc.ini file. For details of the sapnwrfc.ini file entries, see the SAP manual or online help.

Figure 2‒5: Typical sapnwrfc.ini file


Note that there are multiple ways to specify settings for the sapnwrfc.ini file. The figure above shows an example setup for connecting to a message server. You can also connect to a specific application. Edit the services file and hosts file as appropriate for the type. For the specification items of each type and whether the services file and hosts file must be edited, see the SAP manual or online help.

The following figure shows an example of the sapnwrfc.ini file when connecting using WebSocket RFC. When connecting via WebSocket, specify both the DEFAULT and address-specific entries.

Figure 2‒6: Example of the sapnwrfc.ini (connecting with WebSocket RFC)


(2) Specifying the defaults for command common arguments (SAP destination information and SAP logon information)

If the common arguments (SAP destination information and SAP logon information) entry is omitted from the command line for JP1/AJS3 for EAP, an r3defcon file must be created. This file must be created in the home directory that is specified for the user account.


To use the Windows version r3defcon file, you need to specify the HOMEDRIVE or HOMEPATH environment variable for job execution to identify the home directory. Since these environment variables are not defined by default in the execution environment of commands executed from JP1/AJS, you must define them using environment variable items for job definition.

The following is a specification example of an environment variable (when the r3defcon file is placed at C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator):


HOMEPATH=\Documents and Settings\Administrator

In those situations where Windows is employed with the NTFS file system, to prevent unwanted access to r3defcon file information, you should specify a different home directory for each user. With the FAT file system, however, you cannot protect the r3defcon file information at the file level.

With Linux, to prevent unwanted access to r3defcon file information, you should define the access permissions for the r3defcon file so that only the user executing the command can read the r3defcon file.

The following figure shows an example of creating the r3defcon file.

Figure 2‒7: Example of creating an r3defcon file


The syntax for the r3defcon file is as follows:


The keys that can be specified in the r3defcon file are explained below for each section.

logon (logon section)

When omitting the SAP logon information specification, specify logon (logon section). The following table describes the keys that can be specified in the logon section.

Table 2‒8: Keys that can be specified for logon


Value selectable as a string



1- to 3-byte character string (The character string must consist of numerals only.)

Specify the SAP client number for logging on to the SAP system. Note that a 1- or 2-byte SAP client number sent to the SAP system is always converted to a 3-byte number. If, for instance, the client number is 001, you can specify the number 1, 01, or 001. However, the 3-byte client number 001 is always sent to the SAP system.


1- to 12-byte character string

Specify the SAP user name for logging on to the SAP system. For details about the SAP users that can be specified, see 2.3.9 Providing a SAP user for job control.


1- to 8-byte character string

Specify the password that has been assigned to the SAP user for logging on to the SAP system.

Specify this key when a conventional password rule is applied to the SAP system.


1- to 40-byte character string

Specify the extended password that was assigned to the SAP user for logging in to the SAP system.

The extended password is a password rule that was extended in the SAP systems based on SAP NetWeaver 7.0 and later.

Specify this key when the extended password rule is applied to the SAP system.

You can specify up to 40 bytes, and alphabetic characters are case-sensitive.


Japanese: J

English: E

Specify the language type that can be used with the SAP system. You can specify either Japanese or English as the language type.


When you specify the logon section, be sure to specify all the keys (client, user, passwd or passwd2, and lang). Note that you cannot specify passwd and passwd2 at the same time. Specify one of them according to the availability of the extended password.

address (address section)

When omitting the SAP destination information specification, specify address (address section). The following table describes the keys that can be specified in the address section.

Table 2‒9: Keys that can be specified for address


Value selectable as a string



1- to 100-byte character string

Specify the host name of a destination SAP system.


1- to 2-byte character string (The character string must consist of numerals only.)

Specify the host SAP system number of a destination SAP system.


1- to 32-byte character string

Specify the destination (DEST value) that is defined in the sapnwrfc.ini file.


dest and host and sysno cannot be specified together. When specifying the address section, specify dest only or specify host and sysno.