
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

2.3.1 Setting the operating environment for JP1/AJS3 for EAP (job control)

You can modify the operating environment for JP1/AJS3 for EAP (job control) by creating a job control environment setup file.

The environment setup file for job control (conf file) is located in the following directory. If the environment setup file does not exist at installation, the model file in the same directory is automatically copied as the environment setup file at installation.

The following figure shows the contents of the model file on which the environment setup file to be created at installation is based.

In situations where Windows is used with an NTFS type file system, we recommend that you prevent tampering of the environment setup file information by defining the access permission so that only personnel with Administrators permission can edit the environment setup file.

Before reediting the environment setup file, make sure that no command has been executed for JP1/AJS3 for EAP.

The environment setup file syntax is as follows:


In the following situations, JP1/AJS3 for EAP operates using the defaults.

The keys that can be specified for the environment setup file are explained below for each section.

trace (trace section)

For trace (trace section), specify the name of the trace file that stores the trace level, trace file size, and trace information. The following table describes the keys that can be specified in the trace section.

Table 2‒2: Keys that can be specified for trace


Value selectable as a string




No trace


Standard level


Detail level


Debug level

Specify the trace level. If this key specification is omitted, a trace level of 2 is used. The trace volume per command for each trace level is as follows:

  • When monitoring the completion of jobs:

    1 (standard level): 10.2 kilobytes

    2 (detail level): 12.0 kilobytes + (job execution time/completion monitoring interval) x 0.4 kilobytes

    3 (debug level): 40.8 kilobytes + (job execution time/completion monitoring interval) x 0.9 kilobytes

  • When not monitoring the completion of jobs:

    1 (standard level): 2.0 kilobytes

    2 (detail level): 12.0 kilobytes

    3 (debug level): 40.8 kilobytes

Normally, select Detail level. Debug level should be specified only if a failure occurs. If you select no trace, no information about the use of JP1/AJS3 for EAP will be collected.


0 or 1 to 1,280,000 (in kilobytes)

Specify the trace file size. If you specify 0, the trace file size is 2 gigabytes. If you omit this key, the trace file size is 307,200 kilobytes.#1

To reduce the trace file size, delete the created trace file and then change the size.



Character string beginning with (drive-name):\ or remote resource name coded in UNC (Universal Naming Convention) format#2


Character string beginning with /

Specify the directory for storing trace files. A trace file is created for each application. If you omit this key, a trace file is created for each application in the default directory#3.


If you specify TargetFile, any assignment to this key is ignored.



Character string beginning with (drive-name):\ or remote resource name coded in UNC (Universal Naming Convention) format#2


Character string beginning with /

Trace information about all applications will be stored in the specified file.


If you specify this key, any assignment to TargetDir is ignored.


If you specify 307,200 kilobytes as the trace file size, the trace file can record at least seven days' worth of trace data when 100 jobs are executed per hour at trace level 2 (default).


The remote resource name expressed in UNC format is \\computer-name\sharename, which is provided by Microsoft for networked folder/file name specification purposes. The folder and files must be kept accessible at all times.


For details about the default directory that stores the trace file, see A. Directory List.


A temporary directory is used when outputting trace files.

Under Windows, the folder specified by the TMP environment variable is used. In the TMP environment variable, specify a folder that can be accessed using the permissions of the user executing the command (if the default JP1/AJS service account is used when a JP1/AJS job is executed, the folder specified in the TMP system environment variable is used).

event (event section)

For event (event section), specify whether or not to generate events that are used in Windows application logs.

For Linux, make an event (event section) entry to specify whether to generate syslog messages. The following table describes the keys that can be specified in the event section.

Table 2‒3: Keys that can be specified for an event


Value selectable as a string




This entry can be made when you are using Windows. Specify whether to generate Windows events. If this key specification is omitted, YES is used as the event generation condition.



This entry can be made when you are using Linux. Specify whether or not to generate syslog messages. If this key specification is omitted, YES is used as the syslog message generation condition.

command (command section)

For command (command section), specify whether or not to check the work directory for JP1/AJS3 for EAP, the job completion monitoring interval, the appropriateness of a specified SAP object, the time and interval for attempting to retry connection in the event of a communication error, and whether to output the SAP job log to the standard error output file. Also, specify the code page number used when replacing the character code in the connected Unicode version SAP system. The following table describes the keys that can be specified in the command section.

Table 2‒4: Keys that can be specified for command


Value selectable as a string




Character string beginning with (drive-name):\ or remote resource name#1 coded in Universal Naming Convention (UNC) format


Character string beginning with /

Enter a full pathname to specify the work directory for commands. The work directory is set when you execute a command.

If this key specification is omitted, the current directory at the time the command is executed is used.

(When JP1/AJS is used, the work directory to be used for execution of a JP1/AJS job#2 is used.)


1 to 65,535 (in seconds)

Specify the job completion monitoring interval. The value specified will be used if the job completion monitoring interval specification is omitted from the JP1/AJS3 for EAP jr3bjsub, jr3bjcpy or jr3bjrel command line. If this key specification is omitted, the job completion monitoring interval value is 5 seconds.



Does not query the SAP system about the appropriateness of a specified value.


Queries the SAP system about the appropriateness of a specified value regarding the following points before a job is created (no check of temporary variants).#3

- Whether the specified ABAP program exists

- Whether variants are necessary for the specified ABAP program

- Whether the specified variant exists


Queries the SAP system about the appropriateness of a specified value regarding the following points before a job is created (no check of temporary variants).#3

- Whether the specified ABAP program exists

- Whether the specified variant exists

Specify the level for determining whether to query the SAP system about the validity of the SAP object (ABAP program, variant) specified in the job step information when a job is registered (when the jr3bjsub command is executed).

If you omit this key, the level is 2.


0 to 65,535 (minutes)

Specify a period of time during which attempts are made to restore connection with the SAP system if a communication error occurs during communication with the SAP system.

Repeated attempts to recover the connection will be made until the duration specified here elapses.

If you specify 0, no attempt is made to restore the connection and an error is reported immediately.

Specification of this key is ignored if you specify this key together with the RetryCount key. If neither the RetryTime key nor the RetryCount key is specified, the default value of the RetryCount key (3 times) takes effect#4.

To specify the interval between retries to restore connection, use the RetryInterval key.


0 to 65,535 (times)

Specify the number of retries for the connection with the SAP system if a communication error occurs during communication with the SAP system.

If you specify 0, no retry is attempted and an error is reported immediately.

If you omit this key, the default value of 3 is assumed.

The RetryCount key has priority over the RetryTime key if they are specified together.

If neither the RetryCount key nor the RetryTime key is specified, the default value of the RetryCount key (3 times) takes effect#4.

To specify the interval between retries to restore connection, use the RetryInterval key.


1 to 65,535 (seconds)

If you specify the RetryTime or RetryCount key, specify the time interval between retries to restore connection with the SAP system if a communication error occurs during communication with the SAP system.#5

If you specify the RetryTime key, a time longer than the time specified for the RetryTime key cannot be specified for the RetryInterval key.

If you omit this key, the time interval is set to 180 seconds.

The value of the RetryInterval key is invalid in the following cases:

  • You specify 0 for the RetryCount key.

  • You specify 0 for the RetryTime key without specifying the RetryCount key.



Specify whether to output the SAP job log to the standard error output at the same time that it is output to the specified output destination file.

If you omit this key, NO is assumed for the output condition.


0 to 9999 (unit: Codepage number)

Specify the code page number to be used for character code conversion in the connected Unicode version SAP system.

To exchange Japanese character data with the Unicode version SAP system, specify 8000 as the Shift JIS code page number. To use Japanese UTF-8 code as the character code in Linux, specify the same code page number. When sending or receiving character data in English, this key does not need to be specified.


The remote resource name expressed in UNC format is \\computer-name\sharename, which is provided by Microsoft for networked folder/file name specification purposes. This folder must be kept accessible at all times.


For details about the work directory used when a JP1/AJS job is executed, see the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide.


Network load will be greater than if a checklevel of 0 has been specified. The required time for command execution will also be longer.


The valid key differs depending on whether you specify the RetryCount key, the RetryTime key, or both.

Key specification


Not specified



N (> 0)


Not specified

(1) Retry three times

(4) Immediate error

(5) Retry N times



(2) Immediate error

(4) Immediate error

(5) Retry N times

T (> 0)

(3) Retry for T minutes

(4) Immediate error

(5) Retry N times

(1) If neither the RetryTime key nor the RetryCount key is specified, retry is set to three times, which is the default value of the RetryCount key.

(2) An error occurs because 0 is specified for the RetryTime key and the RetryCount key is not specified.

(3) The specification of the RetryTime key takes effect. Retry for T minutes is set.

(4) An error occurs immediately because 0 is specified for the RetryCount key.

(5) Because the specification of the RetryCount key has priority, retry is set to N times.


The following shows the operation when the RetryCount and RetryTime keys are specified:


XMI (XMI section)

For XMI (XMI section), specify the XMI interface session audit level. The following table describes the keys that can be specified in the XMI section.

Table 2‒5: Keys that can be specified for XMI


Value selectable as a string




Records data write (change) operations.


Records data read errors.


Records data read operations.


Records external management system access.

Specify the XMI interface session audit level. If this key specification is omitted, the current XMI interface session audit level continues to be used.