
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

2.2.1 Creating the eapctrlconf file

Place the JP1/AJS3 for EAP eapctrlconf file by copying the model file created when performing a new install of JP1/AJS3 for EAP.

The names of the eapctrlconf file and the model files are as follows.

Table 2‒1: eapctrlconf file and model files

File name



eapctrlconf file

Model eapctrlconf file (for Windows)


Model eapctrlconf file (for Linux)

Copy the Windows model file when installing on a Windows operating environment, or the Linux model file when installing on a Linux operating environment.

Model eapctrlconf files are found in the following file paths.

In addition, place the eapctrlconf file in the custom job definition module copy destination. For details about the custom job definition module copy destination, see the following sections: