
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Print Option Description and User's Guide

7.16 Page Settings window

In the Page Settings window, you can set the page layout for printed documents.

Figure 7‒61: Page Settings window


The following describes the items displayed in the Page Settings window:

Paper No.

Select the paper number to edit.

Paper No. of format definition

Displays the paper number of the format you are currently using.


Select the manner in which paper numbers are applied.

You can select Format definition or a value from 1 to 5. If you select Format definition, JP1/AJS3 - Print Option uses the paper number specified in the Format Definition Settings window when printing the document.

Paper size

Select the paper size. You can select A4 or A3.


Select the page orientation. You can select Landscape or Portrait.

Font (Data, Header, Footer)

Select the typeface and size.

The following typefaces are available in:

  • Japanese: MS Gothic, MS Mincho, MS P Gothic, MS P Mincho

  • Chinese: Arial, Times New Roman, Microsoft YaHei, SimSun

  • Other languages: Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana, Palatino Linotype

You can select 6 to 12 as the point size.

Margin (mm) (Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Header, and Footer)

Specify the margins in millimeters (in a range from 0 to 99).

The following figure shows the position of each margin.

Figure 7‒62: Position of margins


Header (Left, Center, Right)

Select the information to appear in the document header. You can select from the following options:


Not displayed


The date when the document was printed

Page number

The page number

Page number/Total pages

The page number and the total number of pages

Date Time

The date and time when the document was printed

Page number - Sub page number

The page and sub-page numbers


The title defined in the Format Definition Settings window

Last update time

The last update time (including lower-level units)

Note 1: A sub-page is created when a page is wider than the paper size.

Note 2: Because each month or day is assigned a page number when printing monthly and daily documents, more pages might be printed than there are page numbers assigned.

Note 3: The last output time is not output if the job operation information file does not contain last update times.

Footer (Left, Center, Right)

Select the information to appear in the document footer. The options you can select are the same as in the header.

Prints column names in only first page

If you select this check box, column names are only printed on the first page of the document. If the check box is cleared, column names are printed on every page.


Applies the changes and saves the page settings.


Closes the Page Settings window.