
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 - Print Option Description and User's Guide

7.10 Save CSV File window

You can use the Save CSV File window to save the displayed document to a file in CSV format. Cells are delimited by tab character. The value of each cell is output to the CSV file enclosed in double quotation marks ("). If a cell contains a double quotation mark, it is replaced by two consecutive double quotation marks.

For documents in daily and monthly format, only the data for the day or month displayed in the Job Operation Document Output window is output to the CSV file. The start and end of the valid period do not affect the file contents.

The contents of the CSV file differ depending on whether the Outputs CRLFs to CSV file check box is selected.

Figure 7‒26: Save CSV File window


The following describes the displayed items.

File name

Select the CSV file from the file list, or enter the file name directly. The file name cannot contain any of the following symbols:

\ / : * ? " < > |

The path and file name together must not exceed 258 bytes. If they exceed 258 bytes, the file name is converted automatically subject to set rules.

Save as type

Select CSV File as the file type.

Outputs CRLFs to CSV file

Specify whether to add a linefeed code when a cell contains multiple pieces of data. The default is the state of the same check box in the Environment Settings window.

The contents of the output CSV file change according to whether this check box is selected.

  • When cleared

    When one cell contains multiple lines of data, this setting results in a CSV file without line feed codes. Because there are no line feeds, the data in cells that contain multiple lines of information runs together when you open the file in Microsoft Excel.



  • When selected

    When one cell contains multiple lines of data, this setting adds linefeed codes to the CSV file. When you open the file in Microsoft Excel, the data in cells that contain multiple lines of information is displayed over multiple lines.




Saves the CSV file.


Cancels the operation.

Supplementary note: Automatic file name conversion rules

The file names of files whose path and file name exceed 258 bytes in total are converted automatically when the file is saved. This involves converting the file name portion of the path (not counting the extension .csv) to a length not longer than 253 - path-length.

The rules for automatic file name conversion are as follows:

  • If the file name minus the extension exceeds 253 - path-length bytes and the 253 - path-length byte position is the first byte of a two-byte code, the first 252 - path-length bytes are used as the file name.

  • If the file name minus the extension is 253 - path-length or fewer bytes, the file name is not converted.

  • If the converted file name is already in use at the same path, a three character hexadecimal serial number (000 to FFF, using capital letters for alphabetic characters) is appended to the end of the converted file name. However, if the 250 - path-length byte position is the first byte of a two-byte code, the serial number is added after the first 249 - path-length bytes.

  • The extension is always .csv.

  • The file name is converted to ASCII encoding. Any characters that cannot be converted are replaced with hyphens (-).

Cautionary notes: