
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Messages


The database file size is larger than the limit, or memory could not be allocated. (reason location: reason-location [reason-location], reason number: reason-number)

The file size may have exceeded the limit or memory could not be allocated during database access.


Cancels the requested processing.


The possible causes are:

  1. A file that is equal to or greater than 2 gigabytes, which is the limit on ISAM file size, exists in the job execution environment.

  2. The ISAM file is in an invalid status.

  3. Memory is insufficient.

If the cause of the error is 1, recheck the estimated number of days for job information storage and re-create the job execution environment database.

For details on the number of days for job information storage, see 20.5 Setting up the job execution environment in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

For details on how to re-create a job execution environment database, see the explanation for creating a job execution environment in 2.3.4 Recovering the JP1/AJS3 - Manager setup information in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide

You can use the Jischk command to check for cause number 2. Use this command to check the status of the ISAM file. If the status is invalid, re-create the ISAM file. For details on how to check the status of the ISAM file and how to re-create the ISAM file, see 2.11 Troubleshooting problems related to invalid ISAM files in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Troubleshooting.

If the cause is number 3, terminate all unnecessary applications, and then reissue the request. If the same message reappears, recheck the memory estimate.

If the cause is none of the above, use the data collection tool to collect data, and then contact the system administrator.