
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Messages


The temporary script file (file-name) for job (job-number) was not found. (system call name:system-call-name, reason code:reason-code)

There is no temporary script file for the job.


Cancels the requested processing.


A temporary script file for the job (a file whose name begins with JPQ_EXEC) was not created in either of the following directories: the home directory of the OS user mapped to the JP1 user, or the directory specified for the work path in the job definition.

Make sure that the home directory of the OS user mapped to the JP1 user or the directory specified for the work path in the job definition exists. Also make sure that you have write permissions as a superuser.

For cases other than the above, check whether the temporary script file for the job was deleted during operation of the JP1/AJS3 service.