
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Messages


Event Action Agent failed to send a startup notification to the manager. (Manager=manager-host-name)(maintenance-information)

An attempt to send a startup notification to the manager host failed.


Continues processing without changing the status of a jobnet with start conditions or an event job executed from the manager host.

If the RetryAgtStartNotification environment setting parameter is set to Y, the system resends a startup notification to the manager after a predefined period of time.


Check whether JP1/AJS3 on the manager host is running.

If JP1/AJS3 on the manager host is not running:

Start JP1/AJS3 on the manager host.

If JP1/AJS3 on the manager host is running:

Check the following:

  • Check whether there are problems with the network environment.

    Use some method such as the ping command to check whether the manager host can communicate with the agent host via TCP/IP. If there are communication problems, correct them.

  • Check whether the manager host name# can be resolved on the agent host.

    If the name cannot be resolved, revise the settings in the hosts file, jp1hosts information, or jp1hosts2 information on the agent host or in the DNS settings so that the manager host name can be resolved.

  • For a physical host:

    For DNS operation, the host name in the FQDN format. For other cases, the host name obtained by executing the hostname command

  • For a logical host:

    In Windows:

    The host name indicated in xxxxx in JP1/AJS3_xxxxx in the Services window that is displayed by choosing Services or by choosing Administrative Tools and then Services in the Control Panel window on the agent host

    In UNIX:

    The host name indicated after the jajs_spmd process that is displayed by executing the ps command

If a startup notification is successfully sent to the manager host, the system continues monitoring on the agent host. If an attempt to send a startup notification fails, monitoring on the agent host stops, and events to be monitored are not detected. Therefore, after confirming that JP1/AJS3 on the manager host is running, perform the following operations:

  1. Check the jobnet with start conditions or the event job executed from the manager host.

  2. Use the ajschgstat command, or the Change Job Status dialog box, or forced termination to change the status of the jobnet or job to the end status. Then, if necessary, re- register the job or jobnet for execution.

If the RetryAgtStartNotification environment setting parameter is set to Y, startup notifications are resent until the KAVT0656-W or KAVT0657-I message is output.

If the KAVT0657-I message was output after this message, monitoring on the agent host was suspended until the KAVT0657-I message was output, and events to be monitored were not detected. Therefore, check whether events that need to be detected occurred in the period from after this message was output until the KAVT0657-I message was output.

If the KAV0656-W message was output, follow the instructions given in the message.

If the manager host name indicated in the message is no longer required, stop the JP1/AJS3 service, and then execute the jpoagoec command to delete the manager host name.

For details about jpoagoec command, see jpoagoec in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.