
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Messages


An attempt to read the configuration definition failed.

An attempt to read the environment setting parameter has failed.


Cancels command execution.

For the queueless cluster process, the system cancels the processing to attach the logical host. Then, by default, the system continues startup processing without abnormally terminating the queueless cluster process.

If you want to abnormally terminate the queueless cluster process, specify error for the AJSQL_CLUSTERREQ environment setting parameter.

For details about AJSQL_CLUSTERREQ, see 20.10 Setting up the queueless job execution environment in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.


Confirm that the host name and IP address of the host that executes queueless jobs are correctly registered in the DNS settings, hosts file, jp1hosts file, or jp1hosts2 file. At the same time, make sure that memory is sufficient, and then execute the ajsqlattach command to re-attach the logical host that caused the error. If the logical hosts are attached from the queueless cluster process, restart the JP1/AJS3 service on the logical host that caused the error.

If you cannot correct the problem by taking the above actions, contact the system administrator, and then collect data (see 1.2.3 To the system administrators).

Example: In this example, the command attaches the logical host Lhost.

Execute the ajsqlattach command as follows:

ajsqlattach -h Lhost

For details on the ajsqlattach command, see ajsqlattach in 4. Commands Used for Special Operation in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.