
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide

9.2 Setup for linking JP1/IM

The following figure shows an example of a system configuration for linking with JP1/IM.

Figure 9‒6: Example of a system configuration for linking with JP1/IM


To monitor the JP1/AJS3 status with an icon, JP1/IM - Manager is required.

In this example, events issued by JP1/AJS3 - Manager and JP1/AJS3 - Agent are passed through JP1/Base to JP1/IM - Manager. When JP1/IM - View logs in to JP1/IM - Manager, you can display the JP1 events collected in the manager in JP1/IM - View.

To call JP1/AJS3 - View from JP1/IM - View, install JP1/AJS3 - View and JP1/IM - View on the same host.

The following figure shows the setup procedures for linking JP1/IM - Console.

Figure 9‒7: Setup procedures for linking JP1/IM



To monitor the status of JP1/AJS3 by using icons, execute the ajs_adapter_setup command from the JP1/AJS3 manager host. This operation is required to enable JP1/IM to collect the JP1/AJS3 definition information. Use the following format to execute the ajs_adapter_setup command:

ajs_adapter_setup -i

To stop linkage with JP1/IM, execute ajs_adapter_setup -u command.

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