
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide

2.7.4 Cautionary notes on sending email (for a Windows host when not using Outlook)

Note the following when sending email on a Windows host without using Outlook:

Keeping sent items

The mail system linkage function does not retain a local copy of email sent without using Outlook.

Format of recipients in email sending jobs

Recipients of emails sent by email sending jobs must be specified by a standard Internet email address.

How JP1/AJS3 behaves when a domain name is specified incorrectly in an email with multiple recipients

When an email contains a recipient with a domain name (the portion after the @ sign) specified incorrectly, the job enters Ended abnormally status and the email is not sent to the recipients whose addresses are specified correctly. Take care to avoid errors when specifying email recipients.

Timeout periods when sending emails

When sending an email via an email sending job, each of the following steps has its own timeout period:

  • Waiting for a connection to the mail server

  • Waiting for a response from the mail server

  • Waiting for the process (telsmail.exe) to finish

These periods can be set by environment setting parameters in the definition key [{JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host-name}\JP1AOMAGENT\mail_link].

The following table lists the environment setting parameters that define these timeout periods.

Table 2‒14: Environment setting parameters that define timeout periods when sending email without using Outlook


Type of timeout

Environment parameter that defines timeout period



Waiting for a connection to the mail server


10 seconds


Waiting for a response from the mail server


10 seconds


Waiting for the process (telsmail.exe) to finish


600 seconds

About attached files

If you send an email without using Outlook, Base64 encoding is applied to any attached files, so the size of the attached files in the email data increases about 1.33 times. As a result, when sending emails with one or more attached files, you need to make sure that the total size of the email data after Base64 encoding does not exceed the maximum value set for the mail server.