
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide

2.6.3 List file for email reception monitoring job (Windows only)

When an email reception monitoring job detects the reception of an email with attached files, you can have the system create a file that lists the attached files.

To create a list file, you need to specify the name of the list file, as well as the folder where the attached files are to be saved.

To specify this information, use one of the following methods:

When the email reception monitoring job detects that an email has been received, information about the sender, when the email was received, the number of attached files, and details of each file is output to the list file for attached files.

The information output to the list file falls into two categories:

The following table shows the format of list files.

Table 2‒11: Format of list files



Output content

1st line

From: sender

The sender of the email.

2nd line

Date: date

The date and time when the email was received.

3rd line

Files: number-of-attached-files

The number of files (files and OLE objects) attached to the email.

4th and later lines

Information about individual attachments

Information about each attached file. Each line of information represents a different file.

  • Files: The full path of the file

  • OLE objects: The character string The attached file cannot be saved since it is an OLE object.

If you specify a list file name but not folder for saving attached files when defining an email reception monitoring job, 0 appears for Files (the number of files) in the list file. In this case, information about individual attachments is not output.

If the specified list file already exists, the system overwrites the existing file with the new information.

The following figure shows an example of the information output to a list file:

Figure 2‒15: Example of output to list file


In this example, the list file presents the following information about the received email: