
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference

B.1 Adding a new administrator for the embedded database or changing an existing administrator

This section describes how to add a new administrator for the embedded database and modify the existing administrator.

For the embedded database, a database administrator is created by default. Both the authorization identifier of the default database administrator and the password are root. When you use the ajsembdbadduser command, you can add a new database administrator or change the existing password.

For details on the ajsembdbadduser command, see B.3 ajsembdbadduser.

To execute the ajsembdbadduser command, you need to set the environment variable PDUSER. Check the following setting examples, and then set the environment variable PDUSER.


Changing the password of the database administrator with the authorization identifier root to jp1ajs2

  • For a Windows host

    (The embedded database installation previous directory is c:\Program Files\HITACHI\JP1AJS2\embdb\_JF0.)

    ajsembdbadduser -i "c:\Program Files\HITACHI\JP1AJS2\embdb\_JF0" -a root -ap jp1ajs2

  • For a UNIX host

    (The embedded database installation previous directory is /opt/jp1ajs2/embdb/_JF0.)

    ajsembdbadduser -i /opt/jp1ajs2/embdb/_JF0 -a root -ap jp1ajs2

If you change the database administrator's password, you must also change the value of the -ap option in the ajsembdbrorg or ajsembdbreclaim command.

You can create a new database administrator as well.


Creating a new administrator for the embedded database with the authorization identifier jp1ajs2 and the password jp1ajs2

  • For a Windows host

    (The embedded database installation previous directory is c:\Program Files\HITACHI\JP1AJS2\embdb\_JF0.)

    ajsembdbadduser -i "c:\Program Files\HITACHI\JP1AJS2\embdb\_JF0" -a jp1ajs2 -ap jp1ajs2

  • For a UNIX host

    (The embedded database installation previous directory is /opt/jp1ajs2/embdb/_JF0.)

    ajsembdbadduser -i /opt/jp1ajs2/embdb/_JF0 -a jp1ajs2 -ap jp1ajs2

Notes on changing database administrator passwords
  • If the password for the authorization identifier root is changed from the default value root, the jajs_setup command cannot be executed. If the password for the root authorization identifier has been changed, set up the scheduler by using advanced setup of an embedded database. For details about advanced setup of an embedded database, see 23.4 Advanced setup of an embedded database in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

  • If the password for the authorization identifier root has been changed from the default value root and you want to execute the following commands, specify the authorization identifier in the -a option and the password in the -ap option:





    For details about the -a and -ap options, see B. Notes on Using the Embedded-Database Commands.

  • If you use multiple embedded databases on a single host and there are different settings for each root password, the ajsembdbreclaim command executed with manager specified in the -m option results in an error. In this case, for each embedded database that holds a scheduler service, perform maintenance by specifying the -a option, the -ap option, scheduler in the -m option, and the scheduler service that corresponds to the embedded database in the -F option. Also, for the embedded database that holds the agent management database, perform maintenance by specifying the authorization identifier in the -a option, the password in the -ap option, and agent in the -m option. You can check the embedded databases that hold scheduler services and the embedded database that holds the agent management database by executing the ajsembdbidlist command with the -a option specified. For details about ajsembdbidlist command, see ajsembdbidlist in 2. Commands Used during Setup .

  • When an AJS administrator is set, an administrator user with the authorization identifier and password both being set to OS-user-name-of-the-AJS-administrator is created in addition to the default embedded database administrator root. Consider changing the password for each authorization identifier.