
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference

7.4.10 Constants used by the rerun API

Organization of this subsection

(1) RootRerunType

This constant indicates how to rerun a root jobnet.

The following table lists and describes the character string constants for the RootRerunType constant.

Table 7‒80: List of the character string constants for the RootRerunType constant




Reruns jobs from the first job of the specified root jobnet.


Reruns jobs in the specified root jobnet from the job that ended abnormally.


Reruns jobs in the specified root jobnet from the next job of the abnormally ended job.


Reruns nested jobnets in the root jobnet from the jobnet that ended abnormally.


Reruns only the jobs that ended with warning in the specified root jobnet.

(2) RerunType

This constant indicates how to rerun a nested jobnet or job.

The following table lists and describes the character string constants for the RerunType constant.

Table 7‒81: List of the character string constants for the RerunType constant




Reruns the specified unit, and then continues processing of the succeeding units.


Reruns the specified unit only.


Reruns units from the next unit of the specified unit.

(3) RerunOption

This constant indicates the rerun options.

The following table lists and describes the character string constants for the RerunOption constant.

Table 7‒82: List of the character string constants for the RerunOption constant




The unit to rerun is placed in hold status.

If the unit to rerun is a nested jobnet or a job, you can specify this value only when FROM or ONLY is specified for the RerunType constant that specifies the rerun method. If you specify this value when NEXT is specified for the RerunType constant, an error occurs.

If the unit to rerun is a jobnet connector, you cannot specify this value.


The end status of an abnormal preceding unit, if any, is changed to Ended with warning.

If the unit to rerun is a root jobnet, you can specify this value only when ABNORMAL_NEXT is specified for the RootRerunType constant that specifies the rerun method. For any other rerun method, specifying this value causes an error.