
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference

7.3.4 Start condition parameter object

This object indicates the start condition parameter.


The following table lists and describes the members to be returned.

Table 7‒45: List of members of the start condition parameter object


Data type





Specify the times for the valid range of start condition, by using a number in the range from 1 to 999. If you do not want to limit the times, specify 0.

If you omit specifying this member, 0 is assumed.




Specify the period for the valid range of start condition.

If you specify ABSOLUTE (absolute time) or RELATIVE (relative time) for the time type for the periodType member, make sure that you specify the period for this member. If you do not specify this member or specify null for this member, an error occurs.

Specify the period as follows, depending on the time type specified for the periodType member:

  • If ABSOLUTE is specified for the periodType member:

    Specify in the format of hh:mm.

    For hh, you can specify a value in the range from 00 to 47 (unit: hour).

    For mm, you can specify a value in the range from 00 to 59 (unit: minute).

    Specify the time by using the local time for the scheduler service of the request-destination JP1/AJS3 - Manager.

  • If RELATIVE is specified for the periodType member:

    Specify in the format of hh:mm.

    For hh, you can specify a value in the range from 00 to 47 (unit: hour).

    For mm, you can specify a value in the range from 00 to 59 (unit: minute). Note that, you cannot specify 00:00. You can specify in the range from 00:01 to 47:59.

  • If NO (unlimited) is specified for the periodType member:

    The specified value is ignored.




Specify the time type for the valid range of start condition, by using a value specified for the TimeType constant. For details about the values and contents that can be specified, see 7.4.7(1) TimeType.

If you omit this member or specify null for this member, NO (unlimited) is assumed.



--: Optional