
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference

5.4.1 Format of the schedule information file

Figure 5-2 shows how to specify the schedule information parameters in the schedule information file.

Figure 5‒2: Format of the schedule information file


The following explains each item in the file.

(A) comment

To make a comment, enclose it within /* and */.

You cannot write a comment in a line where you have defined a schedule information parameter for a jobnet or job.

(B) schedule-information-parameter-for-jobnet

Specify the schedule information parameters for a jobnet.

The following gives the format of this item.


The following explains each parameter.


Specify a jobnet name. You can set a character string of 1 to 30 bytes. Note that if the character encoding is UTF-8 and sjis is specified for the DEFLENTYPE environment setting parameter, you can specify from 1 to 30 bytes after conversion to Shift-JIS.


Specify the start time of jobnet execution in the format of YYYYMMDDHHMM.

The following explains the contents of YYYYMMDDHHMM.

YYYY: Year of execution. The value you can set ranges from the calendar year of the date when jobnet execution is registered to the calendar year the value of the SCHEDULELIMIT environment setting parameter. For details about the SCHEDULELIMIT environment setting parameter, see 20.4.2(123) SCHEDULELIMIT in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

MM: Month of execution. You can set 1 to 12 as the month value.

DD: Day of execution. You can set 1 to 31 as the day value.

HH: Hours of execution. You can set 0 to 47 as the hours value.

MM: Minutes of execution. You can set 0 to 59 as the minutes value.

The following are the defaults.

Root jobnet: Time of registration for execution

Nested jobnet: No execution schedule


Specify whether to suspend jobnet execution. The default is the hold attribute defined for the jobnet.

  • h: Suspends jobnet execution.

  • n: Does not suspend jobnet execution.


Define the time when the delayed jobnet start is monitored. By default, the delayed start is not monitored.

  • Specify the absolute time in the format of HHMM.

    HH: Hours of the time when to monitor the delayed start. You can set 0 to 47 as the hours value.

    MM: Minutes of the time when to monitor the delayed start. You can set 0 to 59 as the minutes value.

  • Specify the relative minutes in the format of RMMMM.

    R: Specify the type of the relative value for determining when to start delay monitoring. 'M' refers to the relative minutes from the time when to start root jobnet execution, 'U' to the relative minutes from the time when to start upper-level jobnet execution, and 'C' to the relative minutes from the time when to start jobnet execution.

    MMMM: Specify the period until the start of delay monitoring as the relative minutes from the jobnet start time. You can set 1 to 2,879 minutes.


Specify the time when the delayed jobnet end is monitored. By default, the delayed end is not monitored.

  • Specify the absolute time in the format of HHMM.

    HH: Hours of the time when to monitor the delayed start. You can set 0 to 47 as the hours value.

    MM: Minutes of the time when to monitor the delayed start. You can set 0 to 59 as the minutes value.

  • Specify the relative minutes in the format of RMMMM.

    R: Specify the type of the relative value for determining when to start delay monitoring. 'M' refers to the relative minutes from the time when to start root jobnet execution, 'U' to the relative minutes from the time when to start upper-level jobnet execution, and 'C' to the relative minutes from the time when to start jobnet execution.

    MMMM: Specify the period until the start of delay monitoring as the relative minutes from the jobnet start time. You can set 1 to 2,879 minutes.


Specify the priority of execution. You can set n, or 1 to 5. If you set n, the system inherits the priority of execution defined for the upper-level jobnet. The lowest priority is 1, while the highest priority is 5.

The system defaults to the priority of schedule execution defined for the jobnet.


Define the time for the jobnet to wait for an event. By default, the time to wait for an event is not set.

  • n: Does not set the time to wait for an event.

  • Specify the absolute time in the format of HHMM.

    HH: Hours of the time when to start waiting for an event. You can set 0 to 47 as the hours value.

    MM: Minutes of the time when to start waiting for an event. You can set 0 to 59 as the minutes value.

  • Specify the relative minutes in the format of RMMMM.

    R: Refers to the relative minutes from the time when to start jobnet execution.

    MMMM: Specify the period until the start of waiting for an event by the relative minutes from the time when to start jobnet execution. You can set 1 to 2,879 minutes.

  • U: Waits without any limit.


Specify the number of times the jobnet waits for an event. By default, a wait for an event is not set.

  • n: Does not set a wait for an event.

  • N: Specify the number of times the jobnet waits for an event. You can set 1 to 999.

  • U: Wait without any limit for an event.


Specify the schedule rule number for the jobnet. You can specify a value from 1 to 144.

If you have suspended jobnets registered for fixed execution and added other jobnets, you can specify this information to calculate the schedule for such additional jobnets by using the schedule for upper-level jobnets. (For example, if you suspend jobnet A registered for fixed execution and add jobnet B, you can calculate the schedule for jobnet B from the schedule for jobnet A.)

If this information is omitted or if there is no match with the schedule rule number for upper-level jobnets, the system does not set the schedule for the jobnet being added during the suspend process.

(C) {

Indicates the start of a schedule information parameter.

The contents between { and corresponding } provide one schedule information parameter. One schedule information parameter provides one jobnet execution schedule.

(D) schedule-information-parameter-group-for-job

Specify schedule information parameters for a job.

Specify the parameters immediately after the schedule information parameter for the jobnet containing the job. The following gives the format of a schedule information parameter for a job.


The following explains each parameter.


Specify a job name. You can set a character string of 1 to 30 bytes. Note that if the character encoding is UTF-8 and sjis is specified for the DEFLENTYPE environment setting parameter, you can specify from 1 to 30 bytes after conversion to Shift-JIS.


Specify whether to execute the job. The default is y.

  • y: Executes the job.

  • n: Does not execute the job.


Specify whether to suspend job execution. Default is the hold attribute defined for the job.

  • h: Suspends job execution.

  • n: Does not suspend jobnet execution.

(E) }

Indicates the end of a schedule information parameter.