
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference

5.2.3 Job group definition

This subsection describes how to define a job group (or planning group).

The following gives the format of and parameters for a job group definition.


Define an open day as calendar information.

  • yyyy: Specify the calendar year containing an open day. You can set a value between 1994 and the value of the SCHEDULELIMIT environment setting parameter. For details about the SCHEDULELIMIT environment setting parameter, see 20.4.2(123) SCHEDULELIMIT in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

  • mm: Specify the month containing an open day. You can set 1 to 12.

  • dd: Specify an open day. You can set 1 to 31.

  • su: Sets Sunday as an open day.

  • mo: Sets Monday as an open day.

  • tu: Sets Tuesday as an open day.

  • we: Sets Wednesday as an open day.

  • th: Sets Thursday as an open day.

  • fr: Sets Friday as an open day.

  • sa: Sets Saturday as an open day.


Define a closed day as calendar information.

  • yyyy: Specify the calendar year containing a closed day. You can set a value between 1994 and the value of the SCHEDULELIMIT environment setting parameter. For details about the SCHEDULELIMIT environment setting parameter, see 20.4.2(123) SCHEDULELIMIT in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

  • mm: Specify the month containing a closed day. You can set 1 to 12.

  • dd: Specify a closed day. You can set 1 to 31.

  • su: Sets Sunday as a closed day.

  • mo: Sets Monday as a closed day.

  • tu: Sets Tuesday as a closed day.

  • we: Sets Wednesday as a closed day.

  • th: Sets Thursday as a closed day.

  • fr: Sets Friday as a closed day.

  • sa: Sets Saturday as a closed day.


Define the base date as calendar information.

The default is the base date for an upper-level job group. If no base date is defined for any upper-level job group, 1 is assumed.

  • dd: Specify the base date as a calendar day. You can set 1 to 31.

  • su: Sets Sunday as the base date.

  • mo: Sets Monday as the base date.

  • tu: Sets Tuesday as the base date.

  • we: Sets Wednesday as the base date.

  • th: Sets Thursday as the base date.

  • fr: Sets Friday as the base date.

  • sa: Sets Saturday as the base date.

  • n: Define the week of the month and the day of the week as the base date. You can set 1 to 5 (first week to fifth week).


Define the base month as calendar information. The default is the base month for an upper-level job group. If no base month is defined for any upper-level job group, th is assumed.

  • th: Considers the days following the base date as belonging to the month containing the base date (current month).

  • ne: Considers the days following the base date as belonging to the next month.


Define the base time as calendar information. The default is the base time for an upper-level job group. If no base time is defined for any upper-level job group, 00:00 is assumed.

  • hh: Specify hours of the base time. You can set 0 to 23.

  • mm: Specify minutes of the base time. You can set 0 to 59.


Specifies the type of the job group. The default is n.

  • p: Planning group

  • n: Job group


If the job group is a planning group, define whether to use a jobnet connector to control the execution order of a root jobnet that is immediately under a planning group. If you omit this option, the system assumes n. You can specify this option only when the planning group is specified as the type of job group (gty=p).

  • y: The execution order of a root jobnet that is immediately under a planning group is controlled.

  • n: The execution order of a root jobnet that is immediately under a planning group is not controlled.


If the execution order of a root jobnet that is immediately under a planning group is to be controlled, specify the unit full name of the jobnet connector to be connected. You can specify a character string of 1 to 930 bytes. If you specify any of the following unit names, an error occurs:

  • A unit name that does not begin with a slant (/)

  • A unit name in which a character string between slants (/) exceeds 30 bytes

  • A unit name that ends with a slant (/)

You can specify this option only when the planning group is specified as the type of job group (gty=p). If you specify this option when y has not been specified for the ncl parameter, an error occurs.


If the execution order of a root jobnet that is immediately under a planning group is to be controlled, define the execution order control method. If you omit this option, the system assumes n. You can specify this option only when the planning group is specified as the type of job group (gty=p). If you specify this option when y has not been specified for the ncl parameter, an error occurs.

  • y: The root jobnet is executed synchronously with the jobnet connector.

  • n: The root jobnet is executed asynchronously with the jobnet connector.


If the execution order of a root jobnet that is under a planning group is to be controlled, define whether to enable linkage between scheduler services. If you omit this option, the system assumes n.

You can specify this option only when the planning group is specified as the type of job group.

If you specify this option when y has not been specified for the ncl parameter, an error occurs.

  • y: Linkage between scheduler services is enabled.

    Linkage with jobnet connectors defined on other hosts or in other scheduler services is possible.

  • n: Linkage between scheduler services is disabled.

    Linkage with jobnet connectors defined in only the same scheduler service is possible.


Specify the name of the host on which the jobnet connector to be connected has been defined. You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes. You cannot specify spaces, tab characters, or linefeed characters.

You can specify this option only when the planning group is specified as the type of job group. If you specify this option when y has not been specified for the ncex parameter, an error occurs.

If you want to use a double quotation mark (") or a hash mark (#) as a character, prefix the character by #. That is, use #" instead of " and use ## instead of #.


Specify the name of the scheduler service in which the jobnet connector to be connected has been defined. You can specify a character string of 1 to 30 bytes.

You can specify this option only when the planning group is specified as the type of job group. If you specify this option when y has not been specified for the ncex parameter, an error occurs.