
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference

5.1.1 Format of unit definition files

The following shows how to specify unit definition parameters in a unit definition file.

Figure 5‒1: Format of unit definition files


The following explains the items in a unit definition file.

(A) comment

To make a comment, enclose it within /* and */.

You cannot write a comment in a line where you have defined a unit attribute parameter or a unit definition parameter. You cannot nest a comment as in /*/*xxxxx*/*/.

(B) unit-attribute-parameter

This item defines a unit attribute.

The following gives the format of this item.


The following explains each parameter.

  • unit-name

    Specify a unit name.

    You can specify a character string of 1 to 30 bytes. Note that if the character encoding is UTF-8 and sjis is specified for the DEFLENTYPE environment setting parameter, you can specify from 1 to 30 bytes after conversion to Shift-JIS.

    For a unit name, you cannot specify a root job group (/).

  • permission-mode

    Specify the permission mode for a unit.

    You can specify any four-digit octal values. The following gives the meaning of each digit. If each item of definition information contains an eu parameter, the value specified in the parameter is valid.

    First digit

    Specify the user who executes the job.

    0 to 3: The JP1 user who registered the jobnet executes the job.

    4 to 7: The JP1 user who owns the job executes the job.

    Second to fourth digits

    Specify any string.

  • JP1-user-name

    Specify the name of the JP1 user who owns the unit.

    You can specify a character string of 1 to 30 bytes. The default is the JP1 user name of the user who created the unit.

    An event receiving job is ignored if specified.

  • JP1-resource-group-name

    Specify a JP1 resource group name.

    You can specify a character string of 1 to 63 bytes. The string can consist of alphanumeric characters and an underscore (_). By default, no characters are assumed.

    An event receiving job is ignored if specified.

(C) {

Indicates the start of a unit definition parameter.

The contents enclosed by { and } provide the unit definition parameters for the unit specified in the unit attribute parameter.

(D) unit-definition-parameters

Specify unit definition parameters.

For details, see 5.2 Definition format and parameters.

(E) lower-level-unit-attribute-parameter

Specify a lower-level unit attribute parameter.

Be sure to specify a lower-level unit attribute parameter at the end of the unit definition parameters for the upper-level unit.

For details, see (B) unit-attribute-parameter.

(F) }

Indicates the end of a unit definition parameter.