
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference


Organization of this page


     [-mh manager-host-name]
     {-q queue-name|-ah agent-host-name}
     {[-mj maximum-number-of-jobs-in-queues]|
          [-wj warning-value-for-jobs-count-in-queues]|
          [-nq post-change-queue-name]}


Changes queue definitions.

Execution privileges

You must have the following JP1 privilege:

However, specifying the -em option requires the following privileges (but does not require JP1_JPQ_Admin privileges).


-mh manager-host-name

Specify the name of a manager host that contains the queue whose definition is to be changed.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

By default, the system assumes the local host name.

When you specify this option together with the -em option, you can specify only two types of host names: the local host name and the logical host name on the local host. Specifying any other value results in an error (error code: 25). Also note that you cannot specify an alias host name in the -mh option.

-q queue-name

Specify the queue name you want to change.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 63 bytes.

-ah agent-host-name

When you want to change the definition of a default queue, specify the corresponding agent host name that has been registered on the manager host. When an agent host is registered, the default queue is created with the same name as the agent host.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

You cannot specify this option (you cannot change the name of the default queue) if you specify the -nq option.

-mj maximum-number-of-jobs-in-queues

Specify the maximum number of jobs which can be accumulated in the queue.

You can specify a value between 1 and 4,294,967,295.

This setting also includes the number of jobs that are actually being executed.

The number of jobs is the sum of the values of QUEUING and EXECUTING displayed by the jpqqueshow command with the -q option specified.

By default, the system does not change the maximum value of jobs.

-wj warning-value-for-jobs-count-in-queues

Specify a warning value to inform you that the number of jobs in a queue is nearing the maximum number of jobs that can be stored in the queue.

You can specify a value of 1 to 4,294,967,295; however, the value must be equal to, or smaller than, the value specified by the -mj option.

This setting also includes the number of jobs that are actually being executed.

The number of jobs is the sum of the values of QUEUING and EXECUTING displayed by the jpqqueshow command with the -q option specified.

By default, the system does not change the warning value.

-nq post-change-queue-name

When renaming a queue, specify its new name.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 63 bytes.

By default, the system does not change the queue name.

This option can be specified only when the -q option is specified. You cannot specify it together with the -ah option (you cannot rename the default queue).


Specify this option for emergency execution.

Specifying this option enables emergency execution upon failure because a request is sent to a different communication path that is not used under normal conditions.

When you specify this option, note that you cannot assign an IP address to the manager host name.


  1. This command cannot be used for a request from JP1/AJS3 to JP1/OJE for VOS3.

  2. Be sure to specify at least one of the -mj, -wj, and -nq options.

  3. The maximum value for the number of jobs specified in the -mj option is equal to, or larger than, the warning value for the number of jobs specified in the -wj option.

    If you change the maximum or warning value regarding the number of jobs, the system compares it with the current setting. Therefore, if you want to change only the maximum value with the -mj option, make sure that you choose a value equal to, or greater than, the current warning value regarding the number of jobs. If you want to change only the warning value with the -wj option, make sure that you choose a value equal to, or smaller than, the current maximum value regarding the number of jobs.

  4. Even if the maximum value for the number of jobs is changed to a value smaller than the current number of jobs being queued, the system executes those jobs being queued. Note, however, that the system will not accept new jobs until the number of jobs being queued falls below the maximum value for the number of jobs after the change.

    For example, suppose that there are 12 jobs being queued. If you change the maximum number of jobs to 10, the system executes up to 12 jobs, but will not accept new jobs until the number of jobs being queued goes down to 9 or fewer.

  5. An error occurs if you change the name of a queue while the queue still contains jobs.

  6. You cannot rename the default queue.

  7. You should use the -em option for the sole purpose of recovering from an agent host failure. You should avoid specifying the -em option under any normal condition, because you may fail to take corrective action when a failure actually occurs.

Return values


Normal end


Invalid parameter value


An attempt to change the queue definition failed due to an internal cause of the host on which the jpqquealt command was executed.


Initialization has failed.

  • The definition of the logical host name or the environment setting contains an error.


Memory became insufficient on the host on which the jpqquealt command was executed.


A logical error occurred on the host on which the jpqquealt command was executed.


The specified manager host name is neither the local host name nor the logical host name.


The host on which the jpqquealt command was executed cannot connect to the manager host via TCP/IP communication.

  • The host on which the jpqquealt command was executed cannot connect to the manager host because TCP/IP is not set up correctly.

  • The manager host name is invalid, or the manager host process stopped.


The IP address could not be resolved from the name of the manager host on which the jpqquealt command was executed.


The manager host does not accept a queue changing request.

  • The manager host is now being started, now being stopped, has stopped, or is running in the reduced-operation mode.


You cannot use a specified queue.

  • The specified queue is not found.


No response from the manager host


The queue could not be changed successfully owing to an internal cause of the manager host.


You do not have the privilege required to change the queue.


The manager host is busy.


Insufficient manager host memory


A fatal error has occurred.

  • A system call error has occurred.


The manager host encountered a logic error.


You have issued a request to a host other than JP1/AJS3.


Invalid execution environment


The post-change queue has the same name as an existing queue.


The queue contains jobs at the time of a queue name change.


The warning value for the number of jobs is greater than its maximum value.


The maximum value for the number of jobs is greater than its warning value.