
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference


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     [-mh manager-host-name]
     -ah agent-host-name
     [-cp time-time=concurrently-executable-job-limit...]


The jpqagtadd command adds an agent host to a manager host, and creates the default queue to which the agent host will connect.

Execution privileges

You must have the following JP1 privilege:


-mh manager-host-name

Specify the name of the manager host to which you want to add an agent host.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

By default, the system assumes the local host name.

-ah agent-host-name

Specify the name of the agent host you want to add.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

-cp time-time=concurrently-executable-job-limit...

Specify the period for concurrently-executable job limits, as well as the concurrently-executable job limit for the period.

Specifying the concurrently-executable job limit allows you to limit the number of jobs that can be concurrently executed by this agent host. The command applies to queue jobs and submit jobs only.

Once the specified concurrently-executable job limit is reached, any extra ones will be queued (for waiting for execution) until the job is completed.

Specify the period by time and time hyphened. Specify the time in units of 30 minutes in the hh:mm format.

hh: You can specify 0, or 00 to 23 hours.

mm: You can specify 0, 00 or 30 minutes.

For the concurrently-executable job limit, you can specify 0 to 4,294,967,295.

By default, the system assumes the value of 00:00-00:00=0 (the 24-hour format with a limit value of 0).

If the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs is 0, you cannot execute the job. To execute the job, you must specify a value of 1 or larger or change the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs.

For an example of how to specify the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs, see also the Additional information for the jpqagtalt command.

You can specify multiple periods and numbers of concurrently-executable job limit. If you specify multiple periods, however, the values set later are reflected. (For example, if you set -cp 1:00-2:30=5 2:00-4:00=10, the number of concurrently-executable job limit for an overlapping period, 2:00 to 2:30 is 10.)


  1. This command cannot be used for a request from JP1/AJS3 to JP1/OJE for VOS3.

  2. If you omit the number of concurrently-executable jobs for a period, the default is 0. For example, the -cp 10:00-22:00=10 expression alone means that the limit value is 0 for the 00:00 to 10:00 period, 10 for the 10:00 to 22:00 period, and 0 for the 22:00 to 00:00 period.

  3. Executing more than one jpqagtadd command in parallel requires a considerably long time for processing. If you want to add multiple agent hosts, add them one after another.

Return values


Normal end


Invalid parameter value


An attempt to add an agent host failed due to an internal cause of the host on which the jpqagtadd command was executed.


Initialization has failed.

  • The definition of the logical host name or the environment setting contains an error.


Memory became insufficient on the host on which the jpqagtadd command was executed.


A logical error occurred on the host on which the jpqagtadd command was executed.


The host on which the jpqagtadd command was executed cannot connect to the manager host via TCP/IP communication.

  • The host on which the jpqagtadd command was executed cannot connect to the manager host because TCP/IP is not set up correctly.

  • The manager host name is invalid, or the manager host process stopped.


The IP address could not be resolved from the name of the manager host on which the jpqagtadd command was executed.


The manager host does not accept addition of an agent host.

  • The manager host is now being started, now being stopped, has stopped, or is running in the reduced-operation mode.


The manager host has returned no response.


Addition of an agent host failed due to an internal cause of the manager host.


Permission to add an agent host is not granted.


The manager host is busy.


The manager host memory is insufficient.


A fatal error has occurred.

  • A system call error has occurred.


The manager host encountered a logic error.


You have issued a request to a host other than JP1/AJS3.


Invalid execution environment


An agent host with the same name as the agent host you attempted to add already exists.


The maximum number of agent host definitions has been exceeded.


The event/action control manager is changing the agent host configuration definition.

Additional information