
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference

jajs_log or _04 (UNIX only)

Organization of this page


jajs_log | _04
     [-h logical-host-name]
     [-f storage-directory]


The data collection tool obtains maintenance information, such as the JP1/AJS3 definitions, operating information, and information about the OS.

jajs_log and _04 have the same basic functionality. Use either tool depending on the purpose of use and whether customization is required.

The following table describes the purpose of jajs_log and _04, and whether they can be customized.

Table 3‒27: Purpose of data collection tools and whether they can be customized

Data collection tool




Use this tool if the log output destinations have not been changed from the defaults, or if you need to collect data by default only.



Customize this tool before using it if you have changed log output destinations from the defaults, or if you need to collect data other than the default data.#



Y: The tool can be customized.

N: The tool cannot be customized.


For details about the customization method, see 16.1.1 Setting up the data collection tools in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

By default, the results of executing the data collection tool are output to the following files under /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble/.

For physical hosts:
  1. JP1_DEFAULT_1st.tar.Z

    The data for the first reports is output.

  2. JP1_DEFAULT_2nd.tar.Z

    The data for the second reports is output.

  3. JP1_DEFAULT_3rd.tar.Z

    All the other data is output.

For logical hosts:
  1. logical-host-name_1st.tar.Z

    The data for the first reports is output.

  2. logical-host-name_2nd.tar.Z

    The data for the second reports is output.

  3. logical-host-name_3rd.tar.Z

    All the other data is output.

Estimation of the size of information collected by the data collection tool

The following shows the formula for estimating the size of information that the data collection tool will collect when it is executed with the option to collect all information. Note that the estimation formula requires you to sum the sizes of directories and files. The summation method is explained later.

  • When collecting data for a physical host

size-of-data-in-physical-host-environment#1 x 3
  • When collecting data for a logical host

(size-of-data-in-physical-host-environment#1 + size-of-data-in-logical-host-environment#2) x 3

This parameter is the total size of the following directories and files. If multiple products installed in the same environment have the following directories and files, obtain the total size of the directories and files for all of those products.

  1. Integrated trace logs information


  2. Log files information

    For JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS3 - Agent:


    For JP1/AJS3 - Web console:


  3. System files information

    For JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS3 - Agent:


    For JP1/AJS3 - Web console:



  4. Job information

    For JP1/AJS3 - Manager:


  5. Environment-settings file information

    For JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS3 - Agent:


    For JP1/AJS3 - Web console:


  6. JP1/Base information




  7. syslog and the directories containing syslog

    In HP-UX:


    In Solaris:


    In AIX:


    In Linux:


  8. /var/opt/jp1ajs2/database#3

  9. embedded-database-practical-folder/conf#3

  10. embedded-database-practical-folder/spool#3

  11. embedded-database-practical-folder/etc#3

  12. Detailed information about JP1/Base (This is information collected by using the JP1/Base data collection tool.)

    See the estimation formula for the JP1/Base data collection tool in the applicable JP1/Base manual.


This parameter is the total size of the following directories and files.

  1. Information about the shared directory for JP1/AJS3 - Manager and JP1/AJS3 - Agent


  2. Information about the shared directories of JP1/Base



  3. embedded-database-practical-directory-on-logical-host/conf#3

  4. embedded-database-practical-directory-on-logical-host/spool#3

  5. embedded-database-practical-directory-on-logical-host/etc#3


This information is collected for JP1/AJS3 - Manager only. You do not need to check the size of this information for the other products.

You can check the size of the embedded database practical directory by executing the following ajsembdbidlist command:


When you actually use the data collection tool, make sure that the free space is a few gigabytes larger than the estimated size. The data collection tool uses free space as a work area.

After you have estimated the size of data that will be collected and confirmed that there is sufficient free disk space, perform a trial data collection. Verify that the estimation is correct by comparing the estimated size with the size of the trial collected data. If there is not sufficient free disk space, prepare a disk with sufficient free space, and execute the data collection tool by specifying the disk with the -f option on the command line. The next time you perform data collection, estimate the required free disk space based on the total size of the files that were collected on a trial basis.

  • _04 is the data collection tool for JP1/AJS3 10-10 or earlier. For JP1/AJS3 10-50 or later, you can use both jajs_log and _04.

  • For JP1/AJS3 - Web Console, you can use jajs_log only. You cannot use _04, so you cannot customize the data collection tool.

Execution privileges

Superuser privilege

Storage directory

For jajs_log for JP1/AJS3 - Manager and JP1/AJS3 - Agent:


For jajs_log for JP1/AJS3 - Web Console:


For _04



-h logical-host-name

Specify the name of the target logical host.

The data collection tool collects the data on the physical host in addition to the data on the specified logical host.

If you do not specify a name, the data collection tool obtains the physical host logs.

-f storage-directory

Use a full path without space characters to specify the directory used to store the collected information. If the specified directory name contains a space character, the system assumes that the character string before the space is the storage directory name and treats the characters after the space as other arguments.

When you use a relative path to specify a storage directory, the specified path is created under the root directory and the collected data is stored there.

If you specify a directory that does not exist, a new directory with that name is created. If data has already been collected in the specified storage directory, a message asking whether you want to overwrite the data appears.

If you omit this option, the collected data is output to /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble/.


Specify this option if you do not want to collect information about the database used by JP1/AJS3.

If you do not specify this option, the data collection tool collects information about the database.


Specify this option if you do not want to obtain the hosts, services, and passwd files.


Specify this option if you do not want to obtain the core file.

Although you specify this option, the back trace information is collected.


Specify this option if you do not want to collect detailed information about the embedded database.

The detailed information about the embedded database is the data for the second report, which is output to the embdbinfo directory.

If you do not specify this option, the data collection tool collects detailed information about the embedded database.

When this option is not specified, it is automatically determined whether to collect the information. Therefore, do not specify this option if you are unsure about whether detailed information about the embedded database needs to be collected.

Specify this option only when you want to suppress the collection of detailed information about the embedded database.


Specify this option if you do not want to collect detailed information about JP1/Base.

The detailed information about JP1/Base is the data for the second report, which is output to the JP1BASE_INFO directory.

If you do not specify this option, the data collection tool collects detailed information about JP1/Base.

When this option is not specified, it is automatically determined whether to collect the information. Therefore, do not specify this option if you are unsure about whether detailed information about JP1/Base needs to be collected.

Specify this option only when you want to suppress the collection of detailed information about JP1/Base.

If free disk space at the output destination is insufficient, execute the data collection tool with the -b option specified, and then execute the data collection tool for JP1/Base (jbs_log) to collect detailed information about JP1/Base. For details about the data collection tool for JP1/Base (jbs_log), see the JP1/Base User's Guide.


Use a full path without space characters to specify a file that is not usually obtained by using the data collection tool, such as the core file of the JP1/AJS3 commands. If the specified file name contains a space character, the system assumes that the character string before the space is an additional file name and treats the characters after the space as other arguments.

Using this argument, you can collect information that is not automatically collected by the data collection tool.

If the core file is specified as an additional file, the core file is collected even if you specify the -u option.

You can specify a directory name for additional-file. If you specify a directory, all the data in the specified directory is collected.


  1. If you collect data about a logical host in a cluster system, you must mount the shared disk for the logical host.

  2. The data collection tool compresses the collected data as follows for each OS.

    In Linux:

    The data collection tool uses the gzip command to compress the data. If the gzip command is not installed in the environment in which the data collection tool is executed, the data collection tool uses the tar command to compress and output the data; it does not use the compress command. If the tar command is not installed, the data collection tool terminates abnormally, and processing ends.

    In UNIX other than Linux:

    The data collection tool uses the compress command to compress the data. If the compress command is not installed in the environment in which the data collection tool is executed, the tool uses the gzip command instead. If neither the compress command nor the gzip command is available, the data collection tool uses the tar command to archive and output the data. If the tar command is not installed, the data collection tool terminates abnormally, and processing ends.

  3. Because the user might not have reference permission for a file contained in the script, the superuser must execute the script.

  4. If you have already created a file containing the results of executing the script, JP1/AJS3 outputs a message asking for permission to overwrite the file. Enter y to overwrite the file. If you do not want to overwrite the file, enter n.

  5. If no core dump file is output, a message (Status of tar: core? is unknown. The file is not dumped.) appears. This is not a problem.

  6. If the target product is not installed or is being used by another process, or a file that cannot be accessed because of its file attribute is detected, a message reporting that there is no applicable directory or file or that the target file cannot be accessed might appear during the collection of data. This is not a problem.

  7. Because the ajs2collectcore command is executed internally while the data collection tool is being executed, some data cannot be collected, depending on the OS. For details, see ajs2collectcore (UNIX only) in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations.

  8. If there is no data to be collected, a file containing the execution result of the data collection tool is not created.

  9. Do not execute more than one data collection tool at the same time. Do not execute jajs_log and _04 at the same time.

  10. The data collection tool executed by an AJS administrator cannot collect information that requires superuser privileges. We recommend that a user with superuser privileges executes the data collection tool.

    To execute the data collection tool, the following operations must be performed:

    • The output destination file must be deleted before the data collection tool is executed.

    • The JP1 administrator group must be granted write permissions for the output destination directory.

    • The JP1 administrator group must be granted access permissions for the root directory.

    • To add the additionally collected data, the JP1 administrator group must be granted access permissions.

  11. When you specify options, do not specify characters or symbols that have special meanings in the script. If you specify such characters and symbols, an unexpected error might occur.

  12. If the embedded database service has stopped, information about the database stored in the embedded database is not collected even if you execute the command without the -s option specified.

  13. If an error occurred in the embedded database, information about the database stored in the embedded database might not be collectible.

  14. If JP1/AJS3 is operated by using an external database, and the connected database has stopped, information about the connected database is not collected even if the command is executed with the -s option specified.

  15. In cases where JP1/AJS3 is operated by using an external database, and an error occurs in the connected database, information about the connected database might not be collectible.

Return values


Normal end

Value other than 0

Abnormal end




System action

Directory directory-name is created

A directory is created.

Continues processing.

Some data could not be collected by AJS Administrator.

Some data could not be collected because an AJS administrator executed the data collection tool.

Continues processing.

Overwrite file (file-name) ok?

This message asks you whether you want to overwrite file-name.

Press y to continue the processing, or press n to cancel the processing.

Waits for a user response.


When a target program is not installed, or when file access fails because some other process is using the file or because a necessary file-access permission is lacking, a message might be output that states that file access failed or a directory or file does not exist. Such a message does not indicate a problem.

This message is displayed when the specified file is being used or was not found during data collection. However, there is no problem.

Continues processing.

Output file name :(file-name)

The file indicated by file-name has been created.

Terminates the processing.

Write permission error (directory-name)

You do not have write permission. Possible reasons are as follows:

  • You do not have permission to create a directory.

  • The directory is being used by another process.

Correct the error, and then re-execute the data collection tool.

Terminates the processing.

Make directory (directory-name) is unsuccessful

The directory could not be created. Possible reasons are as follows:

  • You do not have permission to create a directory.

  • The directory is being used by another process.

Correct the error, and then re-execute the data collection tool.

Terminates the processing.

Read permission error(file-name)

You do not have read permission.

Obtain read permission, and then re-execute the data collection tool.

Terminates the processing.

File file-name is not found

The directory or file specified as the additional file was not found.

Specify a correct path, and then re-execute the data collection tool.

Terminates the processing.

[ -s ] [ -f output-file ] [ -h Logical-Host-Name ] [ -t ] [ -u ] [ -e ] [ -b ] [ add-in-file ... ]

The options are specified incorrectly.

Specify the options correctly, and then re-execute the data collection tool.

Terminates the processing.

The collection of detailed information on EmbedDB _JF*# begins.

Collection of detailed information about the embedded database has started.

Continues processing.

The collection of detailed information on EmbedDB_JF*# ended.

Collection of detailed information about the embedded database has ended.

Continues processing.

The collection of detailed information on JP1/Base begins.

Collection of detailed information about JP1/Base has started.

Continues processing.

The collection of detailed information on JP1/Base ended.

Collection of detailed information about JP1/Base has ended.

Continues processing.

The collection of the database information on SQLSVR begins.

If an external database is used, collection of information about the connected database starts.

Continues processing.

The collection of the database information on SQLSVR ends.

If an external database is used, collection of information about the connected database ends.

Continues processing.


_JF* indicates an embedded database identifier (_JF0, _JF1, _JF2, and so on). Detailed information is collected for each identifier.

Example 1

The following command collects data about a physical host:

For jajs_log:
If you use _04 customized to

Example 2

The following command collects data about a logical host (cluster):

For jajs_log:
jajs_log -h cluster
If you use _04 customized to -h cluster

Example 3

The following command outputs information, including the core file (/tmp/core), to a specified file (/tmp/trouble):

For jajs_log:
jajs_log -f /tmp/trouble /tmp/core
If you use _04 customized to -f /tmp/trouble /tmp/core

Data that can be collected

For physical hosts:

  • The data for first reports (/tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble/JP1_DEFAULT_1st.tar.Z#1)

    Name of directory or file containing collected data



    hosts file


    passwd file


    services file


    Information about installed Hitachi products

    1. /etc/opt/jp1ajs2/conf

    2. /etc/opt/jp1base/conf

    3. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/JP1AJS3WEB_INFO/etc/opt/jp1ajs3web/conf

    Directories containing the environment settings files


    License registration information


    Common definition

    1. /opt/jp1ajs2/PatchHistory

    2. /opt/jp1ajs2/PatchLog

    3. /opt/jp1ajs2v/PatchHistory

    4. /opt/jp1ajs2v/PatchLog

    5. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/JP1AJS3WEB_INFO/PatchLog

    Patch information

    1. /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log (for HP-UX)

    2. /var/adm/messages (for Solaris)

    3. /var/adm/syslog (for AIX)

    4. /var/adm/messages* (for Linux)

    syslog and the directories containing syslog

    1. /opt/hitachi/HNTRLib/spool

    2. /var/opt/hitachi/HNTRLib2/spool

    Integrated trace logs


    HLICLIB log

    1. /var/opt/jp1ajs2/log

    2. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/JP1AJS3WEB_INFO/var/opt/jp1ajs3web/log

    Directory containing log files

    1. /var/opt/jp1ajs2/log/_04.filelist

    2. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/JP1AJS3WEB_INFO/_webras.filelist

    List of files


    OS-related information


    List of processes


    Back trace information


    Execution result of the ajsagtshow command


    Execution result of the ajsagtshow command (-e option)


    Execution result of the ajsagtprint command


    Execution result of the jajs_status command


    Setting and reference log for AJS administrators


    Execution result of the ajsprofstatus (-t agent -s option)


    Execution result of the ajsprofstatus (-t agent -p option)


    Execution result of the ajsprofstatus (-t unit -s option)


    Execution result of the ajsprofstatus (-t unit -p option)


    Execution result of the jajs_pmtcon (-m -v option)


    Execution result of the jajs_pmtcon (-a -v option)

    1. /var/opt/jp1ajs2/sys

    2. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/JP1AJS3WEB_INFO/var/opt/jp1ajs3web/sys

    3. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/JP1AJS3WEB_INFO/opt/jp1ajs3web/sys

    Directory containing the system files


    Directory containing the work files


    Trace information related to the embedded database

    1. /var/opt/jp1ajs2v/log

    2. /var/opt/jp1base/log

    Directories containing log files


    Embedded database definition file


    Embedded database failure investigation file


    Other information related to the embedded database that is needed for investigation

    1. /var/opt/jp1ajs2/embsch

    2. /opt/jp1ajs2/embsch/ga.ini

    3. /opt/jp1ajs2/embsch/Readme.txt

    Directory and files used for a flexible job

    1. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/JP1AJS3WEB_INFO/snapshotlog.txt

    2. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/JP1AJS3WEB_INFO/srvdata/

    Web server information


    Shared directory of web server


    Output destination when the -f option is omitted.


    Information about all scheduler services on the host is collected.


    _JF* indicates an embedded database identifier (_JF0, _JF1, _JF2, and so on). A directory is created for each identifier.

  • The data for second reports (/tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble/JP1_DEFAULT_2nd.tar.Z#1)

    Name of directory or file containing collected data


    1. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/CARDIR/coreinfo-ISAM.shmdump.tar.Z#2

    2. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/CARDIR/coreinfo-Scheduler.shmdump.tar.Z#2

    3. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/CARDIR/../../core.Z#2

    4. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/CARDIR/../../coreinfo-analyze.tar.Z#2

    5. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/CARDIR/ProgMon.shmdump

    6. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/CARDIR/coreinfo-host.shmdump

    7. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/CARDIR/coreinfo-hostprof.shmdump

    8. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/CARDIR/coreinfo-pmtcon_m.shmdump

    9. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/CARDIR/coreinfo-pmtcon_a.shmdump

    Shared memory information used by ISAM and the scheduler, core dump files, shared library information, operation profile information, and information about the shared memory for the connection source restriction function

    1. /var/opt/jp1ajs2/database

    2. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/embdatabase/_JF*#3

    3. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/extdb/SQLSVR/scheduler-service-name#6

    Database storage directories


    Detailed information about the embedded database


    Detailed information about JP1/Base


    Additionally collected data


    Output destination when the -f option is omitted.


    This file is output to the directory containing the core dump file that has been obtained.


    _JF* indicates an embedded database identifier (_JF0, _JF1, _JF2, and so on). A directory is created for each identifier.


    This file is created when additional-file is specified as the argument.


    The detailed information about JP1/Base is created as data for the second physical hosts report, regardless of the data for physical hosts or logical hosts.


    If an external database is used, a directory is created for each scheduler service.

  • The data for third reports (/tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble/JP1_DEFAULT_3rd.tar.Z#)

    Name of directory or file containing collected data



    Directory containing information about jobs


    Output destination when the -f option is omitted

For logical hosts:

  • The data for first reports (/tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble/logical-host-name_1st.tar.Z#1)

    Name of directory or file containing collected data



    Directory containing backup files


    Directory containing environment settings files


    Directory containing log files


    Directory containing the system files


    Directory containing work files


    Directory containing the environment settings files


    Directory containing log files


    Execution result of the ajsagtshow command


    Execution result of the ajsagtshow command (-e option)


    Execution result of the ajsagtprint command


    Execution result of the jajs_status command


    Execution result of the ajsprofstatus command (-t agent -s option)


    Execution result of the ajsprofstatus command (-t agent -p option)


    Execution result of the ajsprofstatus command (-t unit -s option)


    Execution result of the ajsprofstatus command (-t unit -p option)


    Execution result of the jajs_pmtcon (-m -v option)


    Execution result of the jajs_pmtcon (-a -v option)


    Embedded database definition file


    Embedded database failure investigation file


    Other information related to the embedded database that is needed for investigation


    Output destination when the -f option is omitted.


    Information about all scheduler services on the host is collected.


    _JF* indicates an embedded database identifier (_JF0, _JF1, _JF2, and so on). A directory is created for each identifier.

  • The data for second reports (/tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble/logical-host-name_2nd.tar.Z#1)

    Name of directory or file containing collected data


    1. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/CARDIR_logical-host-name/ProgMon.shmdump

    2. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/CARDIR_logical-host-name/coreinfo-host.shmdump

    Shared memory dumps

    1. /shared-directory-name/jp1ajs2/database

    2. /tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble#1/embdatabase_logical-host-name/_JF*#2

    Database storage directories


    Detailed information about embedded database


    Output destination when the -f option is omitted.


    _JF* indicates an embedded database identifier (_JF0, _JF1, _JF2, and so on). A directory is created for each identifier.

  • The data for third reports (/tmp/jp1ajs2/trouble/logical-host-name_3rd.tar.Z#)

    Name of directory or file containing collected data



    Directory containing information about jobs


    Output destination when the -f option is omitted