
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference


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     [-id embedded-database-setup-ID]
     -i backup-data


Restores an embedded database by using backup data that was created by using the jajs_dbbackup command.

This command is available when the backup enhancement function is enabled.

After the embedded database is restored by using this command, the scheduler service that runs on the restored embedded database starts in disaster recovery mode only for the first time after recovery. In disaster recovery mode, job execution is suppressed and the statuses of jobs and jobnets change. For details on disaster recovery mode, see 6.2.1 Temporarily changing the start mode of JP1/AJS3 in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide.

Execution privileges

In Windows: Administrators privilege

In UNIX: Superuser privilege


-id embedded-database-setup-ID

Use four characters, _JFn (n is 0 to 9 or A to Z), to specify the setup identifier of the embedded database to be restored. For this option, specify the value that was specified in the -id option of the jajs_dbbackup command when the backup data to be specified for the -i option was created. To check the value specified in the -id option of the jajs_dbbackup command, see the backup information file (backupinfo.txt) contained in the backup data.

If you omit this option, the system assumes _JF0.

If the value specified for this option does not match the embedded database setup identifier described in the backup information file in the backup data to be specified for the -i option, the command terminates abnormally.

-i backup-data

Specify the directory containing the backup data that was output by the jajs_dbbackup command. Use an absolute path to specify the backup data. In Windows, to include space characters in the specified absolute path, enclose the path in double quotation marks (").

You can specify a character string of 1 to 223 bytes.

If you specify the backup data that was incorrectly output as a result of, for example, the abnormal termination of the jajs_dbbackup command, the command terminates abnormally. To check whether the backup data was normally output, you can use the backup information file (backupinfo.txt) contained in the backup data.


Return values


Normal end

Values other than 0

Abnormal end


The following command restores the embedded database (_JF0) by using the backup data (/BK_JF0_20190101_000000) in the backup data storage directory (/backup).

jajs_dbrestore -id _JF0 -i /backup/BK_JF0_20190101_000000