
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference


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     [-F service-name]
     [-B execution-registration-number]
     [-X {yes|no|auto}]


Stops the execution of a jobnet after the currently running job is completed.

Execution privileges

You must have any of the following JP1 privileges:


-F service-name

Specify the name of the target scheduler service.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 30 bytes.

-B execution-registration-number

Specify the execution registration number of the jobnet for which you want to stop execution, in the YYYYMMDDNNN format. The meaning of YYYYMMDDNNN is as follows:

YYYY: Year of the scheduled date of execution

MM: Month of the scheduled date of execution

DD: Day of the scheduled date of execution

NNN: Execution registration sequence number for the scheduled date of execution

For details of the execution registration number, see 4.5.13 Methods of specifying generations when executing commands in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.


Stops the execution of all jobnets contained in the specified job group and jobnet.

If you specify this option with the -E and/or -T options, the system stops the execution of jobnets according to the specification of each option.


Stops the execution of registered jobnets.


Stops the execution of the root jobnet.

-X {yes|no|auto}

Specify whether to automatically select the current unit for operation from the units listed in a planning group. The units in the job group are not, however, automatically selected regardless of the specified value. You cannot omit a root jobnet name.

  • yes

    Specify this to automatically select a target unit.

    When specifying a unit name in the command, omit a root jobnet name in a planning group.

  • no

    Specify this if you do not want to automatically select a target unit.

    You must specify a unit for which the command will operate. You cannot omit a root jobnet name in a planning group.

  • auto

    Whether a target unit will automatically be selected depends on how the unit name is specified.

    • If you want to automatically select a target unit

      Specify a unit name without a root jobnet name in a planning group.

    • If you do not want to automatically select a target unit

      Specify a unit name with a root jobnet name in a planning group. The command will operate for the specified unit only. However, if there is a unit having the same name as the path name specified without a root jobnet name in a planning group, a root jobnet name is assumed to be omitted so that a target unit will be selected automatically.


Specify the name of the jobnet for which you want to stop execution. You can also specify a jobnet name or job group name with the -R, -E, or -T option.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 930 bytes.

You can specify more than one jobnet name or job group name. If you want to specify a jobnet name, however, you can specify only a root jobnet name. You cannot specify a manager job group name or manager jobnet name.

You can specify a logical host name or execution ID as a jobnet or job group name. If you specify an execution ID, however, the -B option is disabled. For details about how to specify the execution ID, see 1.1 Command syntax.


Return values


Normal end

Multiple of 4 within the range from 4 to 124

Abnormal end

Additional information


The following command stops the execution of jobnet net1:

ajsintrpt net1