
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference


Organization of this page


      -k {unld|reld}
      [-F scheduler-service-name]
      [-mh logical-host-name]
      -d name-of-directory-where-unload-file-stored

Format 1 (for storing the data in the embedded database in the unload data file)

      -k unld
      [-F scheduler-service-name]
      [-mh logical-host-name]
      -d name-of-directory-where-unload-file-stored

Format 2 (for restoring the data in the embedded database by using the unload data file)

      -k reld
      [-F scheduler-service-name]
      [-mh logical-host-name]
      -d name-of-directory-where-unload-file-stored


Obtains and restores the data in the embedded database.

You can execute this command only while the embedded database and all the scheduler services for which the applicable embedded database was created as the scheduler database are not running.

Execution privileges

In Windows: Administrators privileges

In UNIX: Superuser privileges

Storage directory

In Windows:

JP1/AJS3 - Manager-installation-folder\tools\




-k unld | reld

Specify the type of processing.

  • unld

    Specify this option to store the data in the database of the specified scheduler service in the unload data file.

  • reld

    Specify this option to restore the data in the database of the specified scheduler service from the unload data file.

-F scheduler-service-name

Specify the name of the target scheduler service.

If you omit this option, the system assumes the default scheduler service name.

Specification of this option is overridden by the -agent option specification.

-mh logical-host-name

Specify the name of the target JP1 logical host.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 32 bytes.

If you omit this option and environment variable JP1_HOSTNAME has been set, the system assumes the value set for JP1_HOSTNAME. If environment variable JP1_HOSTNAME has not been set, the system assumes the physical host name.


Specify this option if you want to execute the command for the database for the agent management.

Specification of this option overrides the -F option specification.

-d name-of-directory-where-unload-file-stored

Specify the name of the directory that stores the unload file.

Use the absolute path to specify the directory name. If the specified directory name contains a space character, enclose the path in double quotation marks (").

Do not specify a disk on a network drive.

Prepare the directory you are going to specify beforehand. If you specify a non-existent directory, an error occurs.

When you specify unld for the -k option, the unload file is created in the directory specified here.

If the file already exists, a confirmation message asking you whether you want to delete the file appears.

Message to be output: OK to Overwrite the unload file?(y/n):

To delete the file, enter y.


Return values


Normal end

Values other than 0

Abnormal end

Actions to be taken if an error occurs

If a command error occurs, take the indicated action in the following table.



Action to be taken


The specified option contains an error.

Check the specification of the option.


The embedded database is inactive.

Start the embedded database and then re-execute the command.


The embedded database is being started or stopped.

Use the -s ust option of the ajsembdbstatus command to check whether the embedded database is running and then re-execute the command.


The embedded database is not set up.

Set up the embedded database and then re-execute the command.


Unloading failed.

Wait a while and then re-execute the command.


Reloading failed.

Specify the correct unload data file and then re-execute the command.


The specified directory does not exist.

Check the argument specified in the -d option and then re-execute the command.


The specified option contains an error.

Check the option output in the message and then re-execute the command.


An error occurred during execution of the command.

Check the message output in the maintenance information.


There is no permission for the path specified in the -d option or for the unload log file in the path.

Check the permissions for the specified path or for the unload log file, and then re-execute the command. If AJS administrators operate the system, make sure that the AJS administrators have the appropriate privileges.