
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference


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     [-mh logical-host-name]
     [-i embedded-database-practical-directory]
     -d data-area-name
     -b backup-file-storage-directory
     [-id embedded-database-setup-ID]


Acquires the backup of the embedded database.

This command is available when the embedded database is active.

Execution privileges

In Windows: Administrators privileges

In UNIX: Superuser privileges

Storage directory

In Windows:

JP1/AJS3 - Manager-installation-folder\tools\




-mh logical-host-name

Specification of this option is no longer necessary. The logical host name specified by this option is ignored.

-i embedded-database-practical-directory

Specify the embedded database directory. Use an absolute path to specify the directory. In Windows, to include space characters in the specified absolute path, enclose the path in double quotation marks ("). You must specify the same directory that you specify in the -i option of the ajsembdbbuild command. In UNIX, if you omit the -i option of the ajsembdbbuild command during the setup, you can omit this option.

If you do not specify this argument, /opt/jp1ajs2/embdb/_JF0 is assumed.

This option is provided for compatibility with versions earlier than 08-00. Normally, use the -id option.

If you specify both the -i option and the -id option, the value specified for the -i option takes precedence.

-d data-area-name

Specify the data area name of the embedded database. Use an absolute path to specify the directory. In Windows, to include space characters in the specified absolute path, enclose the path in double quotation marks ("). If you have specified the embedded database directory in the -d option of the ajsembdbbuild command, specify as follows:

In Windows




If you want to operate an embedded database created by using the jajs_setup or jajs_migrate command, use the ajsembdbidlist command to check the directory that contains the embedded database. For details on the ajsembdbidlist command, see ajsembdbidlist in 2. Commands Used during Setup.

In Windows




If you operate the embedded database in a logical host environment set up by using the jajs_setup_cluster command, specify the value specified for the -d option.

In Windows




If you operate the embedded database in a logical host environment set up by using the jajs_setup_cluster command, specify the value specified for the -d option.

For Windows





Specify the value specified for the -id option of this command. If you omit the -id option, specify _JF0.

-b backup-file-storage-directory

Specify the directory that stores the backup file. Use an absolute path to specify the directory. In Windows, to include space characters in the specified absolute path, enclose the path in double quotation marks (").

Create the directory that you are going to specify beforehand. If you specify a directory that does not exist, an error occurs.

The specified directory stores the following files:

  • Backup file

  • Processing output result file

File names are automatically assigned based on the following rules:

When the -s option is specified
  • Backup file: BACK_XXXXYYZZVVWW.bk

  • Output result file: BACK_XXXXYYZZVVWW.log

When the -s option is not specified
  • Backup file: BACK_MST_XXXXYYZZVVWW.bk

  • Output result file: BACK_MST_XXXXYYZZVVWW.log

XXXX: Year

YY: Month

ZZ: Day

VV: Hour

WW: Minutes

The amount of free space required for the backup file storage directory differs depending on the scale of the embedded database model as shown in the following table.

Table 3‒8: Embedded database models and the required free space

Database model

Required free space

Large scale

About 6,700 MB

Medium scale

About 1,400 MB

Small scale

About 200 MB

If the database area has been expanded by using the ajsembdbaddarea command, additional free space equivalent to the area added by the expansion is required. Similarly, if the database auto-increment function is enabled, additional free space equivalent to the area added by the function is required.

For details about the database auto-increment function, see 23.2 Estimating the database area in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.


Specify this option when you specify to acquire the backup during operation.

If you acquire a backup of the embedded database, you will need an unload log file when you restore the database from the backup. Therefore, confirm that an unload log file is output. This file is output if the operating status of the automatic log unload functionality is set to ACTIVE by using the ajsembdboplog command. For details on the ajsembdboplog command, see ajsembdboplog in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations.

-id embedded-database-setup-ID

Specify the setup identifier that identifies the embedded database in the _JFn format (n: 0-9 or A-Z). The value specified in this argument must be the same as the value specified in the -id option of the ajsembdbbuild command.

If you want to operate an embedded database created by using the jajs_setup, jajs_setup_cluster, and jajs_migrate commands, use the ajsembdbidlist command to check the setup identifier of the embedded database. For details on the ajsembdbidlist command, see ajsembdbidlist in 2. Commands Used during Setup.

If you omit this option, the system assumes _JF0.

If you specify both the -id option and the -i option, the -i option takes precedence.


Return values


Normal end

Values other than 0

Abnormal end

Actions to be taken if an error occurs

An error might occur when you execute ajsembdbbackup command. If an error occurs, read the following table and take appropriate action.

Table 3‒9: Actions to be taken if an error occurs when ajsembdbbackup command is executed



Action to be taken



The database cannot be backed up since the scheduler database is being updated.

Wait until the job being executed ends, and then re-execute the command.


  • An argument is incorrect.

  • Some options are not specified.

  • The path specified in -i option is not for the embedded database practical directory, or the user does not have read privileges.

Review the specified arguments, and then re-execute the command.


The path specified in -d option is incorrect, or the user does not have read privileges for the folder indicated by the specified path.

Revise the specified path and privileges, and then re-execute the command. If AJS administrators operate the system, make sure that the AJS administrators have the appropriate privileges.


The path specified in -b option is incorrect, or the user does not have write privileges indicated by the specified path.

Revise the specified path and privileges, and then re-execute the command. If AJS administrators operate the system, make sure that the AJS administrators have the appropriate privileges.


Invalid parameter AAA exists at -m option in command line

The host name specified in -mh option is invalid.

Revise the host name and the specified arguments, and then re-execute the command.


The path specified in -i option is not a absolute path.

Revise the specified path, and then re-execute the command.

Bad directory specified in -i option

The path specified in the -i option is not the path for the embedded database practical directory, or the user does not have the appropriate privileges. Alternatively, the system has not been set up correctly.

Specify the correct embedded database directory in -i option. Alternatively, revise the privileges, and then re-execute the command. If the embedded database directory is specified correctly, retry setup of the embedded database. If AJS administrators operate the system, make sure that the AJS administrators have the appropriate privileges.


The setup ID specified in -id option is invalid or the embedded database is not set up.

Check whether the setup ID specified in -id option is correct.


The ajsembdbbackup command cannot be executed for an embedded database for which the backup enhancement function is enabled.

To back up the embedded database for which the backup enhancement function is enabled, use the jajs_dbbackup command.