
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference


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     [-F service-name]
     [-b backup-information-directory-name]
     -n backup-box-name


Converts a unit into a backup file and stores it in a backup box.

Executing this command causes a single backup file to be created in the specified backup box. The system names the backup file using the least unused value within the range of 0001 to 1024.

If the AJSPRINTNETSCHPRF environment setting parameter specifies the dependency on the schedule for the upper-level jobnet, you can specify either of the following methods to output the unit definition information for the nested jobnet having a schedule rule:

For details about how to set the AJSPRINTNETSCHPRF environment setting parameter, see 20.4.2(79) AJSPRINTNETSCHPRF in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide

Execution privileges

You must have any of the following JP1 privileges:

We recommend that the user who executes this command have administrator privileges (in Windows systems) or superuser privileges (in UNIX systems).


-F service-name

Specify the name of the target scheduler service.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 30 bytes.

-b backup-information-directory-name

Specify the full path of the directory if you use a directory other than the backup information directory# specified at the time of configuration.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes.

By default, the system assumes the backup information directory# specified at the time of configuration.


It refers to the directory name specified by the AJSBKUROOT environment setting parameter.


Backs up all units in the specified job group or jobnet repeatedly by layers (for details, see Additional information below).

We recommend that you specify the -R option with the -T option. In that case, you can collectively back up each layer of units, thus reducing the size of the entire backup information. If you specify the -R option with the -E, -L, -G, -N, and/or -J options, the system backs up units according to the specification by each option.


Backs up jobnets and jobs contained in the jobnets registered for execution.

If you specify this option with the -T, -N, and/or -J options, the system backs up units according to the specification by each option.


Backs up jobnets and jobs contained in the jobnets not registered for execution.

If you specify this option with the -T, -N, and/or -J options, the system backs up units according to the specification by each option. You cannot specify this option with the -G option.


Backs up root jobnets or recovery jobnets.

If you specify this option with the -L option, the system backs up units according to the specification by the -L option. You cannot specify this option with the -G or -J option.


Backs up job groups.

You cannot specify this option with the -L or -T option.


Backs up jobnets or recovery jobnets.

If you specify this option with the -L option, the system backs up units according to the specification by the -L option.


Backs up jobs, including recovery jobs, QUEUE jobs, recovery QUEUE jobs, OR jobs, and event jobs.

You cannot specify this option with the -T option.


Displays a message with a confirmation prompt if the backup destination contains a unit having the same name as a unit to be backed up.


Generates an error (without updating information), if the backup destination contains a unit having the same name as a unit to be backed up.


Enforces backup (and updates information) if the backup destination contains a unit having the same name as a unit to be backed up.


Creates a new backup box before backing up units.

The command terminates abnormally if a backup box has already been created.


Adds a backup file to a backup box.

The command terminates abnormally if no backup box has been created.

-n backup-box-name

Specify the name of the backup box.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 50 bytes.

The name of the backup box depends on the file system of your operating system. It is case-sensitive if you are using UNIX and case-insensitive if you are using Windows.


Specify the name of the unit to be backed up.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 930 bytes.

You can specify one or more units. If you specify the -R option with the -E, -L, -T, -G, -N, and/or -J options, the system backs up units according to the specification of each option.

You cannot specify a logical host name or execution ID as a unit name.


Return values


Normal end

Multiple of 4 within the range from 4 to 124

Abnormal end

Additional information

The following describes an example for backing up units repeatedly by layers:


If you specify the -R option to back up a job group (group1) having the following structure, the system backs up elements of layers (A) to (H) in separate backup files.



The following command backs up all units contained in job group /Materials/ShipManagement to a newly created backup box, BOX1:

ajsbackup -RTmn BOX1 /Materials/ShipManagement