
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference


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     [[-F service-name
       |-v monitor
        -n full-path-jobnet or job-name
        {-l execution-ID | -m{state|result}}]
     [-a login-information-file-name]]
     [-h login-host-name]


Starts JP1/AJS3 - View. You can also specify arguments to perform the following operation:

Execution privileges



-F service-name

Specify the name of the target scheduler service.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 30 bytes.

-v monitor

Specify starting of the Jobnet Monitor window.

You must specify this option with the -n, -l, or -m option.

-n full-path-jobnet or job-name

Specify the full path unit name of the jobnet or job in the scheduler-service-name:/jobnet-name or scheduler-service-name:/job-name format.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 30 bytes for the scheduler service name and a character string of 1 to 930 bytes for the jobnet or job name.

You can also specify the name of a remote jobnet on the destination host in the scheduler-service-name:/remote-jobnet-name format (Example: AJSROOT1:/1042614948234/net07).

If you specify a nested jobnet, the Jobnet Monitor window will display the specified nested jobnet highlighted in the tree area.

If you specify a job, the Jobnet Monitor window will display the jobnet containing the specified job highlighted in the tree area.

You must specify this option with the -v, -l, or -m option.

-l execution-ID

Specify the execution ID (a character string of up to 10 bytes) for the top-level jobnet to be displayed in the Jobnet Monitor window.

You must specify this option with the -v and -n options.

You cannot specify this option with the -m option.

-m {state|result}

Specify whether you want to view the state or result when the Jobnet Monitor window displays the jobnet or job specified with the -n option.

If you specify state, the window displays the current execution state of the jobnet or job, in the same way as when you choose View - Jobnet Monitor - Status in the JP1/AJS3 - View window.

If you specify result, the window displays the current execution results of the jobnet or job, in the same way as when you choose View - Jobnet Monitor - Result in the JP1/AJS3 - View window.

You must specify this option with the -v and -n options.

You cannot specify this option with the -l option.

Note that if today is set for the VIEWSTATUSRANGE environment setting parameter, the status or result of the day's generation is displayed.

-a login-information-file-name

Specify the name of the login information file that defines information necessary for logging in to JP1/AJS3 - Manager (user name, password, and destination host name).

If you specify this option, the system uses the information written in the login information file to log in to JP1/AJS3 - Manager and displays the JP1/AJS3 - View window or Jobnet Monitor window.

If you omit this option, the Login screen appears and, after you log in, the JP1/AJS3 - View window or Jobnet Monitor window appears.

The login information in the file is the same as the information you specify in the Login screen. For details about login information, see 3. Logging in and Logging out of JP1/AJS3 - Manager in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 255 bytes. For login-information-file-name, you cannot specify the following file names:

  • A file name that includes a space

  • A file name that begins with a hyphen (-)

If you specify a file name containing a space character, the system assumes the characters preceding the space character to be the file name. If you specify a file name containing a hyphen, the system does not recognize the file name and displays the following error message:

KAVV192-E A required parameter is missing.[-a]

You must store the login information file in the following location:

JP1/AJS3 - View-installation-folder\conf\

If the conf directory does not contain the login information file, the following error message appears:

KAVV380-E The login information file (file-name) is not found. Detailed information: detailed-information-1, detailed-information-2

Write the login information file in the following format:


Using a dot representation (for example,, specify the IP address. The specified IP address must be an IPv4 address. It must not be an IPv6 address.

Each line must end with a line feed character. If you define two or more lines that contain the same keyword, the line defined first takes effect. Any keywords other than username, password, or host are ignored. A line beginning with a hash mark (#) is handled as a comment. The following shows an example:

#This is login information file for job server

-h login-host-name-or-IP-address

Use this argument to temporarily change the connection-target host at automatic login. Using a dot representation (for example,, specify the IP address. The specified IP address must be an IPv4 address. It must not be an IPv6 address.

When the -h option is specified, the system forces you to log in to the specified host. You will log in to the specified host even if the connection-target host name is specified in the login information file indicated by the -a option, or in the automatic login settings in the Environment Settings dialog box. When you specify both the -a option and the -h option as arguments of the startup command, you do not need to specify the connection-destination host name in the login information file.

If you are not performing automatic login by using the login information file indicated by the -a option or the Environment Settings dialog box, specify the default host name shown in the Host to connect text box in the Login screen that appears at startup.


Example 1

The following example directly starts the Jobnet Monitor window without displaying and operating the Login screen or the JP1/AJS3 - View window. It uses apserver_login.txt as the login information file and the Jobnet Monitor window will display the current results for the jobnet named AJSROOT1:/GYOUMU_GROUP1/PC_job.

ajs -v monitor -n AJSROOT1:/GYOUMU_GROUP1/PC_job -m result -a 

Example 2

The following example directly starts the JP1/AJS3 - View window without displaying and operating the Login screen. It uses apserver_login.txt as the login information file.

ajs -a apserver_login.txt