
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference


Organization of this page


     [-h logical-host-name]
     -e physical-host-name-of-primary-node
     -d input-directory-name


The jajs_rpenvimport command reads (imports) the JP1/AJS3 - Manager disaster recovery operation setup information exported by the jajs_rpenvexport command and sets the JP1/AJS3 - Manager environment information.

Execution privileges

In Windows: Administrators privileges

In UNIX: Superuser privileges

Storage directory

In Windows:

JP1/AJS3 - Manager-installation-folder\bin\




-h logical-host-name

Specify the name of the logical host at which to import disaster recovery operation setup information exported by the jajs_rpenvexport command. You can specify a character string of 1 to 32 bytes.

The value of this option overrides the value of the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable. If you omit this option, the value of JP1_HOSTNAME is assumed. If JP1_HOSTNAME has not been set, the command terminates abnormally.

The command terminates abnormally if you specify a physical host name (machine name or JP1_DEFAULT) in this option.

-e physical-host-name-of-primary-node

Specify the host name (output by the hostname command) recognized as the TCP/IP host name by the operating system on the primary node at the remote site. You can specify a character string of 1 to 63 bytes. This option is mandatory.

-d input-directory-name

Specify the full path name of the directory containing the disaster recovery operation setup information exported by the jajs_rpenvexport command. Specify the directory in which the jp1ajs3_rp directory containing the exported information resides. The command terminates abnormally if no such directory exists. Do not specify a disk on the network drive.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 185 bytes.

This option is mandatory.

The command terminates abnormally if no disaster recovery operation setup information exists in the specified directory.


This option forcibly overwrites the existing JP1/AJS3 - Manager environment information even if the logical host specified in the -h option has been set up (that is, the definition key logical-host-name\JP1AJSMANAGER is defined).

If you omit this option and the logical host has been set up, a response-required message asks for confirmation that you want to overwrite the JP1/AJS3 - Manager environment information.


Actions to be taken if an error occurs

Remove the cause of the error as indicated in the message, and then re-execute the command.

See also the cause and action information in the following table where applicable.



Action to be taken


This function cannot be used with the compatible ISAM configuration.

The JP1/AJS3 database is not the standard configuration. (For example, the database is being migrated, or the embedded database has not been created.)

Check the database configuration of the logical host specified in the -h option.


The specified directory (directory-name) does not exist.

The directory specified in the -d option does not contain the jp1ajs3_rp directory exported by the jajs_rpenvexport command.

Re-execute the command, specifying the correct directory name (including the jp1ajs3_rp directory) exported by the jajs_rpenvexport command.

Return values


Normal end

Values other than 0

Abnormal end


The command in this example imports disaster recovery operation setup information stored in the following directory into the logical host LHOST1 (primary node physical host: PHOST).

jajs_rpenvimport -h LHOST1 -e PHOST -d c:\temp\export\ajs3_rpenv_20100801