
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference


Organization of this page


     [-h logical-host-name]
       [-T work-directory-name]
       [-S | [[-s {l|m|s}]
            [-u number-of-scheduler-services-to-be-stored-in-one-database]]]}

Format 1 (standard setup on a physical host)

     [-T work-directory-name]
     [-s {l|m|s}]
     [-u number-of-scheduler-services-to-be-stored-in-one-database]

Format 2 (for setting up a logical host)

     [-h logical-host-name]
     [-T work-directory-name]

Format 3 (for manually setting up the embedded database on the physical host)

     [-T work-directory-name]

Format 4 (for outputting the current database configuration)

     [-h logical-host-name]


The jajs_migrate command sets up JP1/AJS3 in the standard configuration.

Perform setup after an upgrade installation from JP1/AJS2 to JP1/AJS3. You can execute this command only when the database for a JP1/AJS2 scheduler service can be accessed.

You can also use this command to output the current database configuration to the standard output file.

Execution privileges

In Windows: Administrators privileges

In UNIX: Superuser privileges

Storage directory

In Windows:

JP1/AJS3 - Manager-installation-folder\tools\





Specify this option to set up JP1/AJS3 in the standard configuration.

-h logical-host-name

Specify this option if you want to specify a logical host name, instead of using the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable. You can specify a character string of 1 to 32 bytes.

The value of this option overrides the value of the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable. By specifying JP1_DEFAULT as the value of this option, you can explicitly specify the physical host. You can also specify the computer name of the physical host.

Note, if a logical host is set up with the same name as the physical host name, the logical host is still treated as a logical host rather than the physical host.

-T work-directory-name

Specify the name of the work directory use for migration.

You need to specify this option if free space required for the default work directory cannot be secured. The default work directory is as follows.

For Windows, if the installation folder is the default installation folder or is in a folder protected by the system:


The default value of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

A folder protected by the system is the path to a folder in any of the following:


system-drive\Program Files

system-drive\Program Files (x86)

For Windows, if the installation folder is other than the above:

JP1/AJS3 - Manager-installation-folder\backup



Note that the directory name cannot contain spaces.

If the specified directory does not exist, the command terminates abnormally.

If the command terminates abnormally, files might remain. If files remain, delete them and then re-execute the command.


Specify this option if you want to skip setup of the embedded database during migration. If you execute the command when the embedded database has already been set up, specify this option.

However, if you execute the command with this option specified when the embedded database has not been set up, the KAVS0177-E message (Database type is invalid) is output.

-s {l|m|s}

Use this option to specify one of the following database models:

  • l

    Specifies a large-scale system model such as shown below:

    • Total number of units: About 48,000 to 240,000

    • Total number of jobs and jobnets executed per day: 30,000 to 120,000

    • Required disk space: About 20,700 MB

  • m

    Specifies a medium-scale system model such as shown below:

    • Total number of units: About 5,000 to 48,000

    • Total number of jobs and jobnets executed per day: 5,000 to 30,000

    • Required disk space: About 4,200 MB

  • s

    Specifies a small-scale system model such as shown below:

    • Total number of units: A maximum of about 5,000

    • Total number of jobs and jobnets executed per day: A maximum of about 5,000

    • Required disk space: About 520 MB

The default value for this option is s (small-scale model).

-u number-of-scheduler-services-to-be-stored-in-one-database

If you do not want to inherit the configuration existing before migration, using a decimal number specify the number of scheduler services to be stored in one database.

You can specify a value from 1 to 20. If you omit this option, the system assumes 4.

Note that if the embedded database set up in version 8 was used as the scheduler database before migration, the configuration existing before migration is inherited regardless of the specification of this option.


Specify this option to set up the primary host environment in a cluster configuration. If you specify this option, you must also specify the logical host name (-h option).

The shared disk must be mounted on the primary host. In addition, the logical host must be accessible.


Specify this option to set up the secondary host environment in a cluster configuration. If you specify this option, you must also specify the logical host name (-h option).

If this option is specified, the command performs only setup of the embedded database, and does not create data areas or start the embedded database. Note, however, that the specification of the data and system areas for the embedded database (-d option) on the secondary host must be the same as the specification in the primary host environment.


Specify this option to output the current database configuration to the standard output file.


Return values


Normal end

Values other than 0

Abnormal end

Example 1

In the following example, the command sets up JP1/AJS3 in the standard configuration to create five scheduler services to be stored in one database on the physical host on which JP1/AJS3 is installed as an upgrade installation from JP1/AJS2.

jajs_migrate -convert -u 5

Example 2

The command in this example outputs the current database configuration on the logical host (lhost) to the standard output file.

jajs_migrate -h lhost -C

Output example

The following gives an example of file output when you specify the -C option, and explains what each item means.

Logical host  lhost
DB construction  standard

The output items are as follows:

Logical host

Indicates a logical host name.

If you specified the machine name of a physical host in the -h option, JP1_DEFAULT is set here.

DB construction

Indicates the current JP1/AJS3 database configuration as one of the following:

DB construction



The database has been migrated to the standard configuration.

compatible ISAM

The database has not yet been migrated to the standard configuration. The database is operating in a compatible ISAM configuration.

invalid (not yet shifted)

JP1/AJS3 cannot be used at present because the required migration to the standard configuration has not yet completed.