
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference


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     -c|-p|-d shared-directory [-m|-s]


Execution privileges

Storage directory

In Windows:

JP1/AJS3 - Web Console-installation-folder\bin\

In Linux:




Displays the settings. The following table lists and describes the displayed items:


Displayed item



shared directory

When a shared directory is used, the path to the shared directory is displayed.


Resets the Web Console server settings so that the environment definition file on the local disk with JP1/AJS3 - Web Console installed is used for operation.

-d shared-directory-name

Specifies the path to the shared directory when a cluster configuration is used. You must specify an existing directory.

You can specify a character string of 2 to 100 bytes in Linux, 4 to 100 bytes in Windows.

In Windows, if you specify a character string other than a drive (for example -C:) for the first two bytes, the command terminates abnormally.

Specify an absolute path. If an absolute path is not used, the command terminates abnormally.

You cannot specify the root directory (for example, / in Linux, C:\ in Windows).

You cannot specify a disk on a network drive.

You cannot specify a path that contains a multi-byte character.

A shared directory is created in specified-shared-directory-name\jp1ajs3web (in Windows) or specified-shared-directory-name/jp1ajs3web (in Linux). Then, under that shared directory, an environment definition file necessary for operating the Web Console server in a cluster configuration is created. Note, however, that if these directories already exist when the -m option is specified, the command terminates abnormally. If you specify the -m option, make sure that these directories do not exist before executing the command.


Sets up a cluster configuration (executing system).

You must specify this option with the -d options. If the directory you specify in -d option does not exist, the command terminates abnormally.

Before you execute the command on the primary node, make sure that the shared disk is mounted.


Sets up a cluster configuration (standby system).

You must specify this option with the -d options.

For the -d option, be sure to specify the shared directory that was specified on the primary node.


Return values


Normal end

A value other than 0

Abnormal end


In this example, the command sets up a cluster configuration (executing system).

ajswebsetup -d shared-directory -m

Output example

The following is an example of file output when you specify the -c option.

KNAK2520-I Output of settings data will now start.
shared directory    E:\share
KNAK2521-I Output of settings data ended.