
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference

1.4.1 Environment variables used to execute JP1/AJS3 commands

The following table lists the environment variables used for command execution.

Table 1‒5: Environment variables used for command execution

Environment variable




Logical host name of target host

When a logical host name is omitted in the specification of a unit name for remote execution of a command that operates units or the ajsstatus command#1


Logical host name of local host

When JP1/AJS3 references the logical host name of the local host or when it references the logical host of the target of operation for command execution (assuming that no logical host name has been specified as a command option)#2


Scheduler service name

When a scheduler service name is omitted in the object name specification and it is also omitted in the -F option


AJS path name

When a unit name is not specified as a full name (used as a job group name) in any command#1 used to manipulate units


JP1 user name

When a JP1 user name different from the OS user name is used to acquire user access permissions by using a command used to manipulate a unit#1 or a command used to operate execution agents


Language type

When the language type of the text to be output is identified.

In Windows, this environment variable is not available because the language type depends on the host settings.

If commands used to manipulate a unit#1 are executed, make sure that the value of this environment variable is the same as the value of the AJSCHARCODE environment variable of the scheduler service in which the unit to be manipulated by the commands is defined.

If you use Chinese, however, specify the GB18030 code supported by JP1/AJS3 for LANG.


Time zone

When calculating a schedule or displaying a date and time#3


Specifies the function for automatically selecting a target unit from the list of units in a planning group

When the -X option is omitted in any of the following commands:#4

  • ajschgstat command

  • ajsintrpt command

  • ajskill command

  • ajsplan command

  • ajsrerun command

  • ajsshow command


Displays or hides the job group type

When the ajsrestore command is used to output a list of the units backed up in the backup box to the standard output file#5


Converts character codes

When a command is remotely executed, because the value of environment variable LANG on the execution host is either ja_JP.UTF-8, ja_JP.utf8, JA_JP, or JA_JP.UTF-8, JP1/AJS3 - Manager communication processing does not perform character code conversion.#6


Language type

When a multi-byte character is specified for an argument of a command or for the unit name to be processed.

In Windows, this environment variable is not used because the language type depends on the host settings.

You do not have to set this environment variable. If you need to set this variable, set the same value as the environment variable LANG. If you set a different value, JP1/AJS3 processing that uses a multi-byte character might malfunction.


See Table 1-10 for the commands used to manipulate units. Also, do not set the AJSMANAGERHOST environment variable when starting JP1/AJS3.


The user mapping to be used varies with whether or not the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is set.

If the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is set, the user mapping defined in the logical host specified with the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is used.

Otherwise, the user mapping defined in the physical host is used.

You must set the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable if you reference a logical host.

Do not set JP1_HOSTNAME when referencing a physical host. Setting JP1_HOSTNAME may cause the command to fail.


In Windows, make sure that the time zone used for command execution is the same as the system time zone.


According to the value specified in the AJSAUTOJUDGE environment variable, select a target unit from the units listed in a planning group.

You can specify the following values for the AJSAUTOJUDGE environment variable:


Specify this to automatically select a target unit.

When specifying a unit name in the command, omit a root jobnet name in a planning group.


Specify this if you do not want to automatically select a target unit.

You must specify a unit for which the command will operate. You cannot omit a root jobnet name in a planning group.

AUTO or no specification

Whether a target unit will automatically be selected depends on how the unit name is specified.

  • If you want to automatically select a target unit:

    Specify a unit name without a root jobnet name in a planning group.

  • If you do not want to automatically select a target unit:

    Specify a unit name with a root jobnet name in a planning group. The command will operate for the specified unit only. However, if there is a unit having the same name as the path name specified without a root jobnet name in a planning group, a root jobnet name is assumed to be omitted so that a target unit will be selected automatically.


According to the AJSDISPSUBUNITTYPE environment variable, determine the format of output to the standard output file.

You can specify the following values for the AJSDISPSUBUNITTYPE environment variable:


Output the job group type.

Output format:




NO or no specification

Do not output the job group type.

Output format:




For an explanation of the unit type and job group type, see Table 3-13 in the description of ajsprint in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations.


When the LANG environment variable on the remote execution host is set to either ja_JP.UTF-8, ja_JP.utf8, JA_JP, or JA_JP.UTF-8, the value specified for the AJSCONVERTUTF8 environment variable defines whether the communication processing by JP1/AJS3 - Manager converts character codes.

The following lists the values that can be specified for the AJSCONVERTUTF8 environment variable.

yes or undefined

JP1/AJS3 - Manager converts character codes during communication processing.


JP1/AJS3 - Manager does not convert character codes during communication processing.

If both the source and destination hosts for remote command execution use UTF-8, set this parameter to no.