
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference

1.1.2 Specifying a unit name

The following describes how to specify a unit name as an arbitrary name for a command argument.

Specify a unit name as follows:

Command in which you can specify a logical host name (when remotely accessing an object on another host)
Command in which you cannot specify a logical host name (when locally accessing a unit on the local host)

The following explains the arguments:


Some commands accept the specification of a logical host name while others do not. See the description of each command for details.

When the local host has more than one logical host name, specifying a scheduler service name and environment variable JP1_HOSTNAME determines the logical host name. You do not need to specify a logical host name. If you specify a logical host name, the system will attempt to establish communication by TCP/IP even within the local host, requiring the settings for authentication.

If you omit a logical host name, the specified scheduler service name will be prefixed with the value of environment variable AJSMANAGERHOST.

If AJSMANAGERHOST is not set, the system assumes that the service resides within the local host and uses the logical host name specified in environment variable JP1_HOSTNAME.

If JP1_HOSTNAME is not set, the system assumes the logical host name of the local host, specified in the JP1/Base configuration. With logical-host-name set to JP1_HOSTNAME_DEFAULT, the system host name (gethostname) is assumed.

Without the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable, however, the system assumes the JP1/AJS3 service for the physical host.


If you specify a scheduler service name, the -F option and environment variable AJSCONF are ignored.

If you do not specify a scheduler service name, the value set in the -F option is assumed. If the -F option is omitted, the value of the environment variable AJSCONF is assumed. If AJSCONF is not set, the system assumes the default scheduler service name.


For a unit name, you can specify a job group name, jobnet name, or job name. You can also use a full name to specify the unit name.

A full name starts with /, followed by the names of the root job group to the unit, each delimited with /. The full name of a unit is uniquely managed in JP1/AJS3.

If you do not use a full name to specify a unit, the name will be prefixed with the value of environment variable AJSPATH. If AJSPATH is not set, the name will be prefixed with /.

You can use the following symbols to enable migration from the previous products (JP1/AJS):

" & ' * < > ? [ \ ] ^`{|} ~

If you include any of the above symbols in a unit name, enclose the entire unit name between double quotation marks ("), and place the backslash (\) character before each included symbol to cast the symbol. For example, if you use the ajsprint command and specify the unit /net[1], specify ajsprint "/net\[1\]".

These symbols are provided only for enabling migration from the previous products (JP1/AJS3), so do not use them for other purposes.


Some commands accept the specification of an execution ID while others do not. See the description of each command for details.

An execution ID is a number assigned to a scheduled execution for the top-level jobnet when registering the jobnet. You can use JP1/AJS3 - View and ajsshow command to check the execution ID. If you do not specify any execution ID for a command that accepts the specification of an execution ID, the command automatically determines the target generation. For details about automatic determination of jobnet generations, see 4.2 Managing jobnet generations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.