
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

16.2.10 Usage status of the Scheduler Service dialog box

The Usage status of the Scheduler Service dialog box can display the number of root jobnets that have been registered for execution and the number of units that have been defined.

The following figure shows the Usage status of the Scheduler Service dialog box.

Figure 16‒10: Usage status of the Scheduler Service dialog box


When the Usage status of the Scheduler Service dialog box opens, it initially displays the results of the previous aggregation. When you click the Start aggregation button, new aggregation starts. The aggregation results are saved, and the saved aggregation results can be deleted by clicking Delete aggregation status and results button. The following table lists the items displayed in the Usage status of the Scheduler Service dialog box.

Table 16‒7: List of items displayed in the Usage status of the Scheduler Service dialog box

Displayed item


Scheduler Service

Displays scheduler service names.

Aggregation status#


Displays the aggregation status of scheduler service usage.

Start time - End time

Displays the aggregation start and end times.

Aggregation results

Last successful aggregation date and time

Displays the date and time at which aggregation succeeded the last.

Number of root jobnets registered for execution

Displays the number of root jobnets that have been registered for execution in the scheduler service.

Total number of units

Displays the total number of units that have been registered in the scheduler service.


If the status is "Currently aggregating", the dialog box displays the latest aggregation status at a 30-second interval. Note, however, that the latest aggregation status might not be displayed if the aggregation status is changed by another user or if an operation is performed at a specific timing. In that case, display the dialog box again.

Cautionary notes
  • If there are many root jobnets registered for execution or many defined units, it might take some time to aggregate.

  • If you interrupt a counting process on a manager host in a Windows environment, the resources used by the counting process might not be released. Therefore, we recommend that you do not interrupt the aggregation process except in an emergency. If you interrupt the aggregation process on a manager host in a Windows environment, you must restart the OS.

  • If you interrupt the aggregation process on a manager host in a Linux environment, End time does not appear in Aggregation status.